
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-27 11:22
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years of reform and opening up, with the rapid development of economic construction in our country, the road construction in our country has also developed rapidly with the attention of the country to the infrastructure construction. However, the continuous improvement of the highway network is accompanied by the heavy workload of road maintenance and management. Most of the pavement diseases are developed by cracks. Pavement diseases may cause traffic accidents, endanger the safety of national lives and cause property losses. Therefore, scientific periodic pavement crack detection can avoid more serious pavement damage, so as to reduce the probability of traffic accidents as much as possible. However, the traditional artificial pavement crack detection has been unable to meet the huge number of miles of road disease detection, so the research and development of intelligent pavement crack detection system is very urgent in our country. In this paper, digital image processing technology, FPGA technology and intelligent pavement crack detection system with independent intellectual property rights of Beidou satellite positioning technology in China are studied. In this paper, the pavement crack detection system based on FPGA is designed for video image acquisition through CMOS image sensor, SDRAM for video image cache, VGA for video image display, Beidou positioning module for location information acquisition, and LCD12684 for recognition and classification results and geographical location information display. The modules of the whole system are written by VerilogHDL. The system first preprocesses the collected image and converts the image of CMOS output RGB565 format into gray scale, and then reduces the noise of the converted gray image by median filtering. The next step is to segment the image. In order to improve the detection accuracy and anti-interference ability, the variable denominator difference operation is added to the Sobel edge detection algorithm to extract the effective target. Then the morphology is used to repair the image, and finally, the feature extraction of the target image is carried out by projection algorithm, the recognition and classification are carried out, and an enabling signal is generated to extract the effective information to the received location information, and the result of crack recognition classification and the location information are displayed. The system is built and debugged, and the outdoor experimental results show that the intelligent pavement crack detection system designed in this paper can achieve normal pavement crack detection.


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