
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-06-24 23:52
[Abstract]:Stereoscopic garage is a storage equipment used to realize intelligent parking and scientific access to all kinds of vehicles. Under the background of the rapid growth of car ownership and the increasing demand of parking spaces, the three-dimensional garage can give full play to the advantages of high space utilization rate, small occupation area, convenient use and so on. It has become an important way to alleviate the problem of "parking difficulty" by accessing as many vehicles as possible. The research object of this subject is the self-designed three-dimensional garage. The steel structure frame, control system and access strategy of the three-dimensional garage are designed and analyzed by considering the overall cost of manufacturing, transportation, installation and disassembly of the three-dimensional garage, as well as the intelligent operation and operation efficiency of the robot. Firstly, the present situation and future development trend of stereoscopic garage handling robot at home and abroad are fully studied, and a two-story 4 脳 3 structure stereoscopic garage is designed as the research model. In this paper, the overall frame structure, vehicle board structure and lifting mechanism structure of the three-dimensional garage are briefly introduced, and the overall framework of the control system of the three-dimensional garage and some surrounding safety devices are briefly described. according to the operation principle, the steel structure frame and lifting mechanism frame of the three-dimensional garage are analyzed by finite element method in order to ensure the safety and stability of the three-dimensional garage structure. The application of strength theory is checked. On the basis of finite element analysis, the steel frame of stereoscopic garage is optimized, and the weight of the whole frame is reduced by 17.411%, and the manufacturing and transportation cost of steel frame of stereoscopic garage is also reduced. Then, the hardware and software structure of the three-dimensional garage control system is designed. In the hardware structure design, the control chip of the lower computer and the wireless communication mode are compared and selected. The upper computer sends the access action instruction to the lower computer with STM32 as the control chip through the Wi-Fi, and the lower computer collects the signals of each sensor and is integrated and packaged to the upper computer through Wi-Fi feedback, in which the control interface of the upper computer is designed by LabVIEW software. A simple experiment is designed to verify that the upper computer program written with LabVIEW can communicate with the lower computer through Wi-Fi module. Finally, the access queuing model and access strategy of stereoscopic garage are analyzed, and the M/n queuing theory in queuing theory is applied to the access policy control of stereoscopic garage, and the access policy optimization analysis is carried out. According to the difference of the rush hour of the access vehicle, the access strategy is supplemented by cross access, standby in situ, priority storage and self-adjustment, and the breadth first search algorithm is used to schedule the parking space efficiently in the auxiliary strategy, so as to effectively improve the access speed of the three-dimensional garage. The queuing theory and breadth first search algorithm are integrated into the access control process of stereoscopic garage, and the interdisciplinary research method is well tried. Through the design of the three-dimensional garage model, the finite element analysis of its framework, and the design of the control system and access strategy, the feasibility of the design of the field character three-dimensional garage scheme is proved, which lays a foundation for further research in the future.


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