
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-27 08:01
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of world economic integration, container transportation plays a more and more important role in domestic and foreign economy and trade. In recent years, the port container throughput has increased rapidly and container ships have been developing to a large scale. Some port areas have already started to have serious congestion problems. Seriously restricted the port area operation and the collection and distribution efficiency. Especially, the imbalance of collecting card to the port makes the passing capacity of the gate in the port can not be brought into full play, and it is also one of the important reasons for the serious queue phenomenon of the gate in the port area. Based on the analysis of the operation characteristics of container port area, the law of ship arrival and the law of collecting card to port, this paper puts forward the optimization strategy of refining the free storage period into several time periods and prolonging the storage period appropriately, in order to adjust the arrival time of the card outside the port. To realize the relative equilibrium of the number of card arrivals in different periods of time, and then to alleviate the situation of card collection queue at the gate, and to improve the service level of the gate in the port area. On the basis of considering the unbalance and randomness of ship and container port, this paper constructs the simulation model of container port area gathering and distributing operation system, and integrates the storage period optimization strategy proposed in this paper into the model. Simulation of different storage period strategy on the port gate service level. Based on the actual operation data of a port area in the north of China, the model is verified, and the optimization method of gate service level proposed in this paper is applied to the port area to simulate various combined stacking strategies, and to analyze the relevant indexes of gate queuing system. The results show that the finer the storage period, the higher the service level of the gate, and the better the effect of the segmentation on the storage period of the export box is, and the longer the storage period is, the higher the service level of the gate is. And the effect of prolonging the storage period of export box is slightly better than that of prolonging the storage period of import box. The proposed optimization method based on storage strategy can effectively balance the arrival of the card, reduce the centralized arrival of the card, and then improve the service level of the gate, which is of reference significance for the actual operation and management of the port area. The port area can choose appropriate stacking strategy according to its own operation and the current situation of all kinds of available resources.


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