
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-26 17:16
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of bridge construction technology, bridge construction technology is constantly updated. Compared with other construction methods, the construction equipment needs less, is advantageous to the production organization, and can shorten the construction period. Based on these advantages, more and more construction methods are used in bridge erection. However, in the construction process of the jacking method, the system transformation of the whole bridge is frequent. With the continuous change of the coordinate displacement and stress state of the structure during the construction process the structural force is more complicated than other construction methods. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the origin of the thrusting method and the construction of the jacking method are briefly introduced, and the methods and principles of the thrusting are summarized. The establishment of monitoring system for jacking construction is explained in detail. (2) the 3D simulation model of steel box girder jacking construction is established one by using the large-scale universal finite element software ANSYS, and the relevant model parameters are determined according to the basic engineering data. Select reasonable units. The parameters to be controlled in the construction process are determined by simulating the jacking construction under different working conditions. (3) when the guide beam is in the state of maximum cantilever from the maximum cantilever state to the crossing of the main road of success in the process of pushing (towing), The guide beam is transformed from the maximum negative moment state to the maximum positive moment state, and the local instability occurs in the upper and lower flange plates of the guide beam of I-beam. The finite-element model of the guide beam is established, and the optimization suggestions for the section form of the guide beam are put forward. A local stiffening rib is set up for the I-beam guide beam up and down, and the top pair is arranged in the key part of the guide beam. The theoretical analysis and calculation structure and the field measurement verify each other. The safety operation of the guide beam structure is ensured. (4) the displacement and strain in the actual jacking construction are measured. The model parameters are adjusted in real time to guide the next construction condition. (5) the support reaction force of each support slider is constantly changing in the process of pushing (dragging). And it is possible to have the reality of three-point support. Through the simulation analysis of the finite-element model of the bottom plate and the web region, it is concluded that the local stress of the interface area between the bottom plate and the web through the sliding block is very large and the local instability is likely to occur. It is suggested that longitudinal and lateral local stiffeners should be added to the region, and sensors are arranged in the modified area. The measured data of the stress sensors during the push-pull process should prove the correctness of the local fine finite element simulation results. The suggestion of adding local stiffener ensures the safety of the steel box girder bottom plate when it passes through the slider, and avoids the occurrence of the local instability damage accident of the steel box girder. It is an important technical guarantee measure for the steel box girder to smoothly realize the pushing (towing). (6) the whole process of pushing (towing) not only detects the total displacement of the steel box girder, but also monitors the safety of the auxiliary structure, including the report supporting pier, in the whole process. The results of finite element calculation are compared with the measured results of construction, and the reasons are analyzed immediately once a large deviation occurs, thus ensuring the safety of the whole bridge jacking and pushing construction. The research method and conclusion of this paper can provide reference for the similar bridge construction.


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