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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-25 19:16
【摘要】:橋梁作為交通線中的重要組成部分,它跨越江河湖海和深溝峽谷,使天塹變通途。樁基礎(chǔ)作為橋跨結(jié)構(gòu)的重要組成部分,隨著橋梁建筑物向超大跨、重載方向的發(fā)展,樁基礎(chǔ)憑借承載能力大、沉降小、施工方便以及對各種復(fù)雜地質(zhì)條件的適應(yīng)性強等優(yōu)點成為基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計中首選的基礎(chǔ)形式。在上部結(jié)構(gòu)傳遞的荷載作用下,樁基礎(chǔ)不僅需要提供足夠的承載能力,同時需要控制沉降的大小以保證上部結(jié)構(gòu)對變形限值的要求。因此,對樁基礎(chǔ)的豎向承載特性進(jìn)行研究顯得至關(guān)重要。鑒于此,本文主要做了如下工作并得到了相應(yīng)的結(jié)論:1、總結(jié)概括了樁基礎(chǔ)的應(yīng)用和發(fā)展歷史、樁基承載能力測試的一般方法和樁土相互作用的研究現(xiàn)狀,為合理選擇樁基豎向承載能力試驗方法和運用有限元準(zhǔn)確模擬樁土相互作用提供理論依據(jù)。2、對樁基礎(chǔ)的豎向承載特性,包括單樁豎向荷載作用下的傳遞機理、單樁的側(cè)阻力發(fā)揮機理、單樁的端阻力發(fā)揮機理以及單樁承載能力的影響因素(樁周土體的性質(zhì)、樁體的幾何特性和樁體材料)等進(jìn)行了詳細(xì)的分析,為優(yōu)化樁基設(shè)計提供參考。3、以新建成蘭鐵路土建施工第10標(biāo)段太平站四線大橋和解放村雙線大橋的樁基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計和施工為依托,通過現(xiàn)場試驗進(jìn)行了 3根試樁的樁基豎向承載能力的測試,試驗采用錨樁靜載試驗方法和慢速維持荷載法,得到地層的基本承載力、樁周極限摩阻力等各種土層參數(shù),通過荷載~沉降曲線確定單樁的豎向承載能力,驗證進(jìn)行摩擦樁設(shè)計的可行性,為樁基設(shè)計提供依據(jù)。4、結(jié)合ABAQUS有限元軟件對樁基礎(chǔ)的豎向承載能力進(jìn)行模擬分析,并將分級荷載作用下的結(jié)果與現(xiàn)場實測結(jié)果進(jìn)行對比分析,驗證了運用ABAQUS進(jìn)行樁土相互作用的模擬分析的適用性和合理性,并且,通過分析不同樁徑和樁長情況下樁基的承載特性,確定了該地層情況下的合理樁基尺寸,從而優(yōu)化樁基設(shè)計,降低施工難度和工程造價。
[Abstract]:As an important part of traffic line, bridge crosses rivers, lakes and deep gullies and canyons. Pile foundation is an important part of bridge span structure. With the development of bridge building towards super span and heavy load, pile foundation has large bearing capacity and small settlement. The advantages of convenient construction and strong adaptability to various complicated geological conditions become the preferred foundation form in foundation design. Under the load transfer of the superstructure, the pile foundation not only needs to provide enough bearing capacity, but also needs to control the settlement to ensure the deformation limit of the superstructure. Therefore, it is very important to study the vertical bearing characteristics of pile foundation. In view of this, this paper mainly does the following work and obtains the corresponding conclusion: 1, summarizes the pile foundation application and the development history, the pile foundation bearing capacity test general method and the pile-soil interaction research present situation, This paper provides a theoretical basis for reasonably selecting the test method of vertical bearing capacity of pile foundation and accurately simulating pile-soil interaction by using finite element method. 2. The vertical bearing characteristics of pile foundation, including the transfer mechanism of single pile under vertical load, are discussed. The exertion mechanism of side resistance of single pile, the mechanism of end resistance of single pile and the influencing factors of bearing capacity of single pile (properties of soil around pile, geometric characteristics of pile and material of pile body) are analyzed in detail. For optimizing the design of pile foundation. 3. Based on the design and construction of pile foundation of Taiping Station fourth Line Bridge and Jiefangcun double Line Bridge, The vertical bearing capacity of three test piles was tested by field test. The static load test method of anchor pile and the slow maintenance load method were used to obtain the basic bearing capacity of the stratum, the limit friction around the pile and other soil parameters. The vertical bearing capacity of single pile is determined by load-settlement curve, and the feasibility of friction pile design is verified. 4. Combined with ABAQUS finite element software, the vertical bearing capacity of pile foundation is simulated and analyzed. The comparison between the results under graded load and the field measured results proves the applicability and reasonableness of the pile-soil interaction simulation analysis using ABAQUS. By analyzing the bearing characteristics of pile foundation under different diameter and length of pile, the reasonable size of pile foundation is determined in this paper, so as to optimize the design of pile foundation, reduce the construction difficulty and engineering cost.


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