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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-25 17:03
【摘要】:實際工程中,地下襯砌結構可能受到內源瞬態(tài)荷載作用,如發(fā)生在2013年11月22日的黃島石油管道爆炸,會對襯砌結構及其周圍巖土介質造成嚴重破壞。為此,本文開展襯砌隧道內表面作用有內源瞬態(tài)荷載時,產生的應力波在隧道襯砌及周圍巖土介質中的傳播衰減規(guī)律,為地下隧道的抗爆減震設計提供理論依據(jù)。主要研究內容如下:(1)內源爆炸荷載作用下無限彈性空間中襯砌隧道的瞬態(tài)動力響應。采用Fourier變換和Laplace變換,推導出內源爆炸荷載作用下無限彈性空間中圓柱形襯砌孔洞的瞬態(tài)動力響應無量綱解答,利用Fourier和Laplace逆變換數(shù)值方法,計算分析內爆炸荷載產生的振動在襯砌和周圍彈性介質中的分布和傳播衰減規(guī)律。計算結果表明,爆源中心處襯砌和周圍土體接觸面處徑向位移、徑向應力、環(huán)向應力最大,向左右兩側迅速衰減,在5倍襯砌內徑處衰減趨于零;接觸面上徑向位移、徑向應力、環(huán)向應力時程曲線峰值爆源中心處最大,離爆源中心越遠,峰值越小,且在t*=10時衰減趨于零。(2)內源爆炸荷載作用下無限飽和多孔介質中襯砌隧道的瞬態(tài)動力響應。采用Laplace和Fourier變換,提出一種在內源爆炸荷載作用下,飽和土體中圓形襯砌隧道的瞬態(tài)動力響應精確解答;贐iot波動理論,將周圍土體和襯砌結構分別看成飽和兩相介質和彈性介質,推求了 Laplace和Fourier變換域內爆炸荷載作用下襯砌和周圍飽和土體的動力響應解析解。利用Laplace和Fourier變換反變換的數(shù)值方法,進行了爆炸荷載作用下襯砌和周圍土體的動力響應數(shù)值分析。結果表明:與簡化的二維平面應變模型相比,基于三維模型得到的環(huán)向應力、徑向位移和孔隙水壓力較小;隧道的動力響應隨時間而迅速減小,并隨著與爆源距離的增加,而在徑向和軸向上呈指數(shù)衰減。(3)隧道襯砌周圍分別為彈性介質和飽和多孔介質時隧道動力響應的對比。假設飽和多孔介質的孔隙率n為0,將飽和多孔介質退化為理想彈性介質,獲得了襯砌隧道周圍為彈性介質時的襯砌隧道的動力響應解答,將襯砌隧道周圍為彈性介質和飽和多孔介質時襯砌隧道的動力響應計算結果進行比較,對比分析表明,襯砌周圍為彈性介質時襯砌隧道的動力響應值,如隧道襯砌的徑向位移和切向應力較襯砌周圍為飽和多孔介質時襯砌隧道的動力響應大。
[Abstract]:In actual engineering, the underground lining structure may be subjected to internal transient load, such as the Huangdao oil pipeline explosion on November 22, 2013, which will cause serious damage to the lining structure and its surrounding rock and soil media. Therefore, in this paper, the propagation and attenuation of the stress wave in tunnel lining and surrounding rock and soil media is carried out when the internal surface of lining tunnel has internal transient load, which provides a theoretical basis for the design of anti-explosion and earthquake mitigation of underground tunnel. The main contents are as follows: (1) transient dynamic response of lining tunnel in infinite elastic space under the action of internal explosion. By using Fourier transform and Laplace transform, the dimensionless solution of transient dynamic response of cylindrical lining holes in infinite elastic space under the action of internal explosion load is derived. The inverse transformation numerical method of Fourier and Laplace is used. The distribution and propagation attenuation of the vibration produced by internal explosion load in lining and surrounding elastic media are calculated and analyzed. The calculation results show that the radial displacement, radial stress and circumferential stress of the lining at the center of the explosion source and the interface of the surrounding soil are the largest, and the attenuation tends to be zero at 5 times the inner diameter of the lining. The radial displacement, radial stress, and circumferential stress on the contact surface are the largest at the peak explosion source center, and the farther away from the explosion source center, the smaller the peak value. And the attenuation tends to be zero at 10:00. (2) the transient dynamic response of lining tunnel in infinite saturated porous media under the action of internal source explosion. By using Laplace and Fourier transform, an exact solution to the transient dynamic response of circular lining tunnel in saturated soil under the action of internal explosion load is presented. Based on Biot wave theory, the surrounding soil and lining structure are regarded as saturated two-phase medium and elastic medium respectively, and the analytical solution of dynamic response of lining and surrounding saturated soil under blast load in Laplace and Fourier transform domain is derived. The dynamic response of lining and surrounding soil under explosive loading is numerically analyzed by using the inverse transformation of Laplace and Fourier transform. The results show that compared with the simplified two-dimensional plane strain model, the circumferential stress, radial displacement and pore water pressure obtained by the three-dimensional model are smaller. The dynamic response of the tunnel decreases rapidly with time, and decreases exponentially with the increase of the distance from the detonation source. (3) the dynamic response of the tunnel is compared with the elastic medium and saturated porous media around the tunnel lining. Assuming that the porosity of saturated porous media is 0, the saturated porous media is reduced to an ideal elastic medium, and the dynamic response solution of the lining tunnel is obtained when the lining tunnel is surrounded by an elastic medium. The dynamic response of lining tunnel with elastic medium and saturated porous medium is compared. The results show that the dynamic response of lining tunnel is elastic medium. For example, the radial displacement and tangential stress of tunnel lining are larger than that of tunnel with saturated porous media around the lining.


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