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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-24 13:25
[Abstract]:In the framework of the daily dynamic evolution model, the consistent traffic prediction information of ATIS is introduced to study the influence of ATIS on the path selection behavior of individual travelers and on the evolution process of traffic flow in the road network as a whole. According to the use of ATIS traffic forecast information, all the travelers in the road network are divided into two categories. On this basis, a daily traffic flow evolution model is constructed to simulate the dynamic path selection process of the two types of travelers in the road network. The fixed point, existence and uniqueness of the evolutionary model are studied. At the same time, through the analysis of the stability conditions of the model, it is proved that the consistent traffic forecasting information enhances the gradual stability of the road network traffic flow evolution. The numerical results show that the less error the traveler receives the traffic forecast information, the easier the evolution process of traffic flow tends to be stable. The research results will be helpful to the optimization design of intelligent transportation system.
【作者單位】: 浙江交通職業(yè)技術學院;


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