
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-23 17:28
[Abstract]:In recent years, the fire accidents of concrete bridges have increased gradually, and the high temperature caused by the fire has caused varying degrees of damage to concrete beams, which affects the bearing capacity and normal use of the beams. The evaluation of bearing capacity of concrete beams after fire is an important basis for damage assessment and maintenance and reinforcement of bridges after disaster. In this paper, the shear behavior of concrete beams after fire is studied. The specific work is as follows: (1) the damage characteristics of concrete bridge members after fire are summarized. At the same time, it suggests the standard for the initial damage assessment and detailed evaluation of bridges after fire. (2) the high temperature test and mechanical property test of concrete and ordinary steel bar are carried out. The strength attenuation law of the material after cooling in different ways at high temperature is obtained. (3) the temperature distribution of concrete in high temperature environment is tested. Through data processing, the temperature distribution in concrete is studied. The ANSYS finite element software is used to simulate the temperature field test of concrete, and the results are compared with the test data. The experimental data are in good agreement with the simulation results. (4) based on the calculation formula of shear capacity of concrete beams and the calculation model of "truss-arch" shear capacity in China's current "Construction Code", "Highway Code", "Railway Code", In this paper, a reduction method of shear strength of concrete beams after fire is put forward, and the results are compared with those of experimental beams. (5) A case study is carried out on a real bridge under fire, and the attenuation of its shear resistance after fire is obtained. The damage was evaluated.


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