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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-23 09:25
[Abstract]:Based on the bolt-frame support project of rock slope with weak intercalation in Zhangzhou Zhaoyin high speed MK10 250 section, a 1 / 30 scale model slope is designed, and 20 simulated ground motion tests are carried out, focusing on the elevation of slope body. The effect of amplitude of ground motion on PGA magnification factor and PEP oscillation coefficient. The PGA magnification factor in the slope and at each measuring point on the slope showed obvious elevation effect. However, due to the isolation of weak intercalation and the reinforcement of bolt-frame support, the acceleration response of the slope tends to be more holistic, without obvious whipping effect. The PGA magnification factor decreases linearly or exponentially with the increase of the amplitude of the input ground motion. The PEP oscillation coefficient increases linearly with the increase of buried depth, and the amplitude of vibration increases nonlinearly with the increase of buried depth, and the additional horizontal pressure pointing to the direction outside the slope is greater than that pointing to the direction inside the slope under high intensity conditions. Through the description of the apparent failure characteristics of the slope, it is found that the apparent failure is mainly concentrated in the upper slope body of the weak intercalation, especially in the surface layer of the slope. However, due to the reinforcement effect of anchor cable-frame support, the slope does not have overall instability along the weak intercalation.
【作者單位】: 福州大學(xué)土木工程學(xué)院;福建建工集團(tuán)總公司;長崎大學(xué)工學(xué)部;
【基金】:國家自然科學(xué)基金(51678155) 福建省交通運(yùn)輸科技發(fā)展項(xiàng)目(201531)資助


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