
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-11-22 12:41
[Abstract]:At present, the number of cars in our country is increasing, which brings convenience to the travel of thousands of families, and it is also a great test to the municipal construction and urban management of the city. The root causes of parking problems are limited number of parking spaces, insufficient information on garage location, improper garage management and illegal parking, etc. Because the shortage of parking space can not be greatly increased in the short term, the solution to the problem of urban parking depends on how to select the parking location and how to guide the optimal path. Therefore, this paper designs and implements an optimal parking guidance system based on big data. Using data processing technology, according to parking space information and other parameters, through information collection, transmission, processing and release, as well as client application several modules connected, using the computer to give the best parking lot location selection, According to the optimal path, parking guidance can not only facilitate the parking of users, but also play an important role in parking management. Based on the research background and significance of the subject, this paper first analyzes the problems facing parking in China, and compares the current algorithms of location finding and optimal path guidance. The practical significance and necessity of location finding algorithm and optimal path algorithm to solve the difficult parking problem are clarified. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the research status of location finding algorithm and optimal path guidance algorithm at home and abroad are compared and analyzed, and the optimal path guidance algorithm suitable for this system is selected. An optimal location finding algorithm based on multi-exponential decision is proposed. Secondly, the optimal location finding algorithm and the optimal path guidance algorithm are verified by experiments, and the advantages and practicability of the algorithm are proved. Finally, the overall framework of optimal location finding and optimal path guidance system based on big data is designed, and the hardware and software experimental platform is set up, and the optimal location finding and optimal path guidance experiment is carried out. It realizes a series of system functions from data acquisition to information processing and publishing, and finally to the application of the system, which proves the feasibility and practicability of the algorithm and system in this paper. The experimental results show that the proposed optimal location finding and optimal path guidance system based on big data can solve the parking problem to some extent.


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