

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-28 15:33

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 演化博弈 區(qū)域突發(fā)事件 合作治理 社會(huì)資本 出處:《中國管理科學(xué)》2017年08期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:With the development of regional economic integration in China, the number of regional emergencies is increasing day by day. Organization and cooperation governance has become the inevitable choice of regional local government. From the perspective of evolutionary game theory, the evolutionary process of regional local government organizational behavior is discussed, and a game model of local government organizational behavior evolution considering fixed cost of organizational decision and organizational social capital is established. The behavior evolution law and evolutionary stability strategy of local government organization cooperation are obtained, and the initial sensitivity of local government organization behavior evolution path is analyzed. The evolutionary game system of regional emergency organization cooperative governance has a complex evolution path. The evolutionary stability depends on the initial state of the local government organization strategy selection, the stock of social capital and the fixed cost of the regional government organization. The conclusion of the study can provide guidance for the optimization of the cooperative governance mechanism of the regional emergency organization.
【作者單位】: 浙江師范大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理學(xué)院;同濟(jì)大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理學(xué)院;


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