

發(fā)布時間:2018-02-27 07:33

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 績效管理 應用型高校 教師 出處:《青島理工大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:進入本世紀,我國高等教育開始告別精英階段,走向大眾化。公共教育資源捉襟見肘,民辦高校興起,伴隨改革開放,國外名校進入國民視野,導致中國高校之間競爭日趨激烈。面對公共資源的投入不足,民辦高校對生源的分流,加之常年盲目追逐“上層次”這種相對錯誤的發(fā)展方向,地方高校面臨嚴峻的生存危機,尋求新的發(fā)展方向成為當務之急。向應用型高校發(fā)展是地方高校生存和發(fā)展的轉(zhuǎn)機。應用型高校是指為地方區(qū)域經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展服務,層次上以培養(yǎng)本科生為主,兼培養(yǎng)高職生和少量工程型、技術(shù)型的研究生,類型上以培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)應用型人才為目標的普通高等院校。 地方高校在發(fā)展目標上重新定位之后,還必須要提高教育質(zhì)量,也就是面臨“提質(zhì)”的難點。提高教育質(zhì)量,關(guān)鍵是提高軟實力,即人力資源績效,特別是專業(yè)技術(shù)人員的績效。本文就是通過各種研究方法和理論,以某“應用型高校專業(yè)技術(shù)人員”為研究對象,圍繞“提高質(zhì)量”這個主題,寫的這篇論文:某應用型地方高校專業(yè)技術(shù)人員績效管理體系的研究。本文主要的創(chuàng)新點主要在人力資源績效管理的主體上,是“應用型”地方高校。內(nèi)容主要分兩方面: (1)應用型地方高校專業(yè)技術(shù)人員關(guān)鍵績效指標體系。主要研究了內(nèi)容標準和權(quán)重兩部分。指標體系從教學、科研和其他三個方面來建立,同時分基本和卓越兩類指標,基本指標主要保障教師的日常工作,確定合格、基本合格和不合格的名單,同時得出優(yōu)秀教師的候選名單。卓越指標主要為了鼓勵教師創(chuàng)新發(fā)展,促進校區(qū)發(fā)展,并在優(yōu)秀教師的候選名單中,確定優(yōu)秀和先進的教師名單。關(guān)于基本指標的權(quán)重是利用調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù),運用層次分析法確定的;卓越指標的權(quán)重則是運用經(jīng)驗總結(jié)法確定的。 (2)以某應用型地方高校為例,結(jié)合該關(guān)鍵績效指標體系并探討了績效管理的過程,利用上面得出的KPI體系,結(jié)合某地方高校實際情況,探討績效管理的流程。該流程分為績效計劃、實施與管理、評估以及反饋面談,,最后對績效結(jié)果加以運用。 在完善了上述兩方面內(nèi)容之后,還需要將績效管理形成制度固定下來,在這個過程中要加強績效溝通機制的建立,績效結(jié)果的應用等等,地方高校向應用型高質(zhì)量特色高校的發(fā)展任重而道遠。
[Abstract]:In this century, China's higher education has begun to bid farewell to the elite stage and become popular. Public educational resources are stretched, private colleges and universities rise, and with the reform and opening up, famous foreign schools enter the national perspective. As a result of the increasingly fierce competition among Chinese colleges and universities, faced with insufficient investment in public resources, the diversion of private universities to the source of students, and the blind pursuit of the relatively wrong development direction of "upper level", local colleges and universities are faced with a severe survival crisis. It is urgent to seek a new direction of development. It is a turning point for the survival and development of local colleges and universities to develop application-oriented universities. The application-oriented colleges and universities are to serve the local regional economic and social development. At the same time, higher vocational students and a small number of engineering, technical graduate students, the type of training high quality applied talents as the goal of ordinary institutions of higher learning. After repositioning the local colleges and universities in terms of development goals, they must also improve the quality of education, that is, they are faced with the difficulty of "improving quality." the key to improving the quality of education is to improve soft power, that is, the performance of human resources. In particular, the performance of professional and technical personnel. Through various research methods and theories, this paper focuses on the theme of "improving quality" by taking a "professional and technical personnel of applied colleges and universities" as the research object. This paper: research on the performance management system of professional and technical personnel in a certain applied local university. The main innovation of this paper lies in the main body of human resource performance management and is a "applied" local university. The content is mainly divided into two aspects:. 1) the key performance index system of professional and technical personnel in applied local colleges and universities. This paper mainly studies two parts of content standard and weight. The index system is established from teaching, scientific research and other three aspects. At the same time, it is divided into two kinds of indexes: basic and outstanding. The basic indicators are mainly to ensure the daily work of teachers, to determine the list of qualified, basic qualified and unqualified teachers, and at the same time to obtain a list of candidates for outstanding teachers. The main purpose of the indicators of excellence is to encourage teachers to innovate and develop and to promote the development of school districts. In the candidate list of excellent teachers, the list of excellent and advanced teachers is determined. The weights of basic indexes are determined by using survey data and AHP, and the weights of indicators of excellence are determined by the method of summing up experience. (2) taking an applied local university as an example, combining the key performance index system and discussing the process of performance management, using the KPI system obtained above, combining with the actual situation of a local university, Discuss the process of performance management. The process is divided into performance planning, implementation and management, evaluation and feedback interviews, and finally performance results to be used. After perfecting the above two aspects, we still need to fix the formation system of performance management. In this process, we should strengthen the establishment of performance communication mechanism, the application of performance results, and so on. Local colleges and universities to the application of high-quality colleges and universities have a long way to go.


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