

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-02 15:53
【摘要】:旅游信息傳播因旅游信息所特有的實效性、動態(tài)性和傳播過程復雜性而形成一種特殊的社會信息傳播活動。如今的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)傳播途徑和技術(shù)使得旅游信息的傳播更加便利、自由和個性化,使得旅游信息在傳者和受者以及受者和受者之間形成互動。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),微博傳播,是大眾傳播與人際傳播的完美結(jié)合體:既包含了簡單的線性模式,也體現(xiàn)了即時反饋的高效循環(huán)模式;同時,微博本身就是一個基于社會關(guān)系的系統(tǒng)信息傳播平臺。截止到2012年12月31日,新浪微博注冊用戶增長至5.03億,含30萬家企業(yè)賬戶,日均活躍用戶數(shù)在4620萬。中國旅游行業(yè)與微博的聯(lián)系日益緊密,旅游類用戶在新浪微博平臺已超過6000萬,居各行業(yè)首位;旅游企業(yè)認證賬號數(shù)排名第一,其中國內(nèi)景區(qū)微博認證賬號有650多家,越來越多的旅游景區(qū)看到了旅游微博的傳播影響力。在此背景下,本文對旅游景區(qū)微博影響力進行探析。 首先,論述了課題的研究背景、意義、國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀,并對使用的研究方法和研究內(nèi)容進行說明。對文中所涉及的概念及理論進行解釋,并且明確本文所使用概念的具體含義,為全文提供理論基礎(chǔ)和指導。 其次,分析了旅游景區(qū)微博發(fā)展的環(huán)境條件,從旅游景區(qū)微博內(nèi)容生產(chǎn)、用戶黏性、微博傳播機制等微博信息傳播各環(huán)節(jié)探討旅游景區(qū)微博影響力產(chǎn)生的深層機制。 再次,采取質(zhì)性分析法中的扎根理論對所收集數(shù)據(jù)進行編碼、歸類、概念化的步驟,對所選案例旅游景區(qū)微博博文進行記錄和語義提煉,分析其內(nèi)容屬性。借鑒和移植信息計量學的相關(guān)研究思路和方法,引入h指數(shù),對景區(qū)微博被轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)/被評論的h指數(shù)進行時間、內(nèi)容屬性分析,對旅游景區(qū)微博影響力進行測評。 最后,提出正確發(fā)揮旅游景區(qū)微博影響力的建議。
[Abstract]:Tourism information dissemination forms a special social information dissemination activity because of its unique effectiveness, dynamic and complexity of communication process. Nowadays, Internet communication channels and technologies make the dissemination of tourism information more convenient, free and individualized, which makes tourism information interact between the transmitters and recipients, as well as between recipients and recipients. The study found that Weibo communication is a perfect combination of mass communication and interpersonal communication: both a simple linear model and an efficient loop model of instant feedback; at the same time, Weibo itself is a social-based information dissemination platform. As of December 31, 2012, Sina Weibo registered 503 million users, including 300000 corporate accounts, with a daily average of 46.2 million active users. China's tourism industry is increasingly linked to Weibo, and tourism users have reached more than 60 million on the Sina Weibo platform, ranking first in the number of tourism enterprise authentication accounts, including more than 650 Weibo authentication accounts in domestic scenic spots. More and more scenic spots have seen the spread of tourism Weibo influence. Under this background, this article carries on the analysis to the tourist spot Weibo influence. First of all, the research background, significance, research status at home and abroad, and the use of research methods and research content are described. The concepts and theories involved in this paper are explained, and the specific meaning of the concepts used in this paper is clarified, which provides the theoretical basis and guidance for the full text. Secondly, this paper analyzes the environmental conditions of the development of Weibo in scenic spots, and probes into the deep mechanism of the influence of Weibo in scenic spots from the aspects of Weibo content production, user stickiness, Weibo communication mechanism and so on. Thirdly, take the root theory of qualitative analysis to encode, classify and conceptualize the collected data, record and extract the selected case of Weibo blog, and analyze its content attributes. Using the relevant research ideas and methods of information metrology for reference, the h index is introduced to analyze the time and content attributes of the h index which Weibo is forwarded or commented on, and the influence of Weibo in tourist attractions is evaluated. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to give full play to the influence of Weibo.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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