

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-01 16:20
【摘要】:隨著嬰兒潮、醫(yī)學(xué)的進(jìn)步及生育率下降等因素導(dǎo)致老年人口的比率日益提高,至21世紀(jì)人口老齡化已成為全球化的突出現(xiàn)象之一。我國于1999年進(jìn)入到老齡化社會(huì)是較早進(jìn)入到老齡化社會(huì)的發(fā)展中國家之一,老年人口數(shù)量居于世界的首位。依據(jù)第五次全國人口普查公布的統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)顯示,西安市在2000年進(jìn)入到老齡化,是較早進(jìn)入到老齡化的城市。 老年是生命周期的暮年,由于生理和心理方面的影響使老年人的社會(huì)生產(chǎn)能力和個(gè)體行動(dòng)能力的退化使老年人擁有大量的閑暇時(shí)間。休閑不僅有益于身體的健康,還能有效的改善老年人退休生活和豐富精神生活,透過社會(huì)和個(gè)人幫助老年人填補(bǔ)閑暇時(shí)間,避免與社會(huì)脫節(jié)和失去生活的中心,因此高質(zhì)量的休閑對(duì)于老年人來說是非常重要的。隨著社會(huì)老齡化程度的加劇,老年人的休閑問題已成為我國急需解決的問題之一,所以對(duì)老年人休閑行為的研究具有重要的意義。 本文運(yùn)用分層抽樣方法對(duì)西安城市老年人進(jìn)行調(diào)查,應(yīng)用SPSS16.0對(duì)所收集的樣本進(jìn)行信度和效度分析、描述統(tǒng)計(jì)、方差分析、交叉列表分析和T檢驗(yàn)等定性和定量方法分析西安市老年人的休閑狀況、休閑行為的制約因素和休閑滿意度等。本文共由六章組成,第一章闡述了本文的研究背景、意義、方法、思路、基本框架、難點(diǎn)和創(chuàng)新點(diǎn);第二章回顧國內(nèi)外對(duì)老年休閑的主要研究成果,了解與本課題相關(guān)的歷史、現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展趨勢;第三章闡述本研究的理論基礎(chǔ)和對(duì)老年人和休閑消費(fèi)等概念的界定;第四章對(duì)本文的研究設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)行說明,主要包括問卷的設(shè)計(jì)、受訪對(duì)象和調(diào)查地點(diǎn)的選取、問卷發(fā)放與回收、數(shù)據(jù)的分析方法以及描述了研究樣本的基本情況;第五章是本文的實(shí)證分析部分,通過對(duì)西安老年人休閑行為的時(shí)空特征、休閑活動(dòng)喜好與實(shí)際參與的對(duì)比分析、休閑消費(fèi)分析以及休閑滿意度和生活質(zhì)量分析的實(shí)證分析,研究表明:老年人的休閑場所主要集中在家和社區(qū),空間距離集中在1000米以內(nèi);因性別的不同在戶外和家中的休閑時(shí)間存在著差異,休閑活動(dòng)的喜好與參與之間存在著差異;在人口統(tǒng)計(jì)特征方面,制約老年人選擇休閑活動(dòng)的因素存在差異;西安城市老年人的休閑滿意程度表現(xiàn)一般;第六章是本文的結(jié)論和對(duì)策,,對(duì)研究結(jié)論進(jìn)行歸納總結(jié),從個(gè)人、政府和社會(huì)三個(gè)層面對(duì)改善老年人的休閑質(zhì)量提出了幾點(diǎn)對(duì)策和建議,最后闡述本次研究的不足,并提出進(jìn)一步研究的展望。
[Abstract]:With baby boomers, advances in medicine and declining fertility, the ratio of the elderly population is increasing day by day. In the 21st century, the aging of the population has become one of the outstanding phenomena of globalization. Our country entered the aging society in 1999 is one of the developing countries that entered the aging society earlier, the number of the elderly population occupies the first place in the world. According to the statistics published by the Fifth National population Census, Xi'an is an aging city in 2000 and an aging city. Old age is the old age of the life cycle. Because of the influence of physiology and psychology, the social productive capacity and the individual action ability of the old people degenerate, so the old people have a lot of leisure time. Leisure is not only good for physical health, but also an effective way to improve retirement and enrich the spiritual life of older persons, to help them fill their leisure time through society and individuals, and to avoid disconnection from society and loss of centre of life. Therefore, high-quality leisure is very important for the elderly. With the aggravation of the aging society, the leisure problem of the elderly has become one of the urgent problems in our country, so it is of great significance to study the leisure behavior of the elderly. In this paper, the stratified sampling method is used to investigate the elderly in Xi'an city, and the reliability and validity of the collected samples are analyzed by SPSS16.0, describing statistics and variance analysis. The qualitative and quantitative methods such as cross-list analysis and T-test were used to analyze the leisure status, leisure behavior constraints and leisure satisfaction of the elderly in Xi'an. This paper consists of six chapters. The first chapter describes the research background, significance, methods, ideas, basic framework, difficulties and innovations. The third chapter describes the theoretical basis of this study and the definition of the concepts of the elderly and leisure consumption. The fourth chapter describes the research design of this paper, including the design of the questionnaire, the selection of the respondents and the location of the survey. Questionnaire distribution and recovery, data analysis methods and description of the basic situation of the study sample; the fifth chapter is the empirical analysis part of this paper, through the leisure behavior of Xi'an elderly time and space characteristics, The comparative analysis of leisure activity preference and actual participation, the analysis of leisure consumption, and the empirical analysis of leisure satisfaction and quality of life analysis show that the leisure place of the elderly is mainly concentrated at home and community. The spatial distance is less than 1000 meters; there are differences in leisure time between outdoors and at home because of gender differences, and there are differences between leisure activities preferences and participation; in terms of demographic characteristics, The factors restricting the elderly to choose leisure activities are different; the leisure satisfaction degree of the elderly in Xi'an city is general; the sixth chapter is the conclusions and countermeasures of this paper, the conclusion of the study is summarized, from the individual, The government and society put forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the leisure quality of the elderly. At last, the deficiency of this study was expounded, and the prospect of further research was put forward.


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