

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 14:28
【摘要】:改革開放以來,我國旅游業(yè)表現(xiàn)出強勁的增長態(tài)勢,取得了舉世矚目的輝煌成就。旅游業(yè)已然成為撬動國民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展新的重要戰(zhàn)略支點和關(guān)乎廣大人民群眾生活幸福的重要民生產(chǎn)業(yè)。處于其中龍頭地位的旅行社,承載著為廣大游客提供優(yōu)質(zhì)、舒適旅游服務(wù)和連接“吃、住、行、游、娛、購”等旅游要素供給部門之重任,是旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的重要依托,對于旅游行業(yè)的發(fā)展起著重要的推動作用。因此,在大眾旅游發(fā)展階段,旅行社服務(wù)質(zhì)量的高低決定著能否讓千千萬萬的普通游客更加滿意,旅行社的健康有序發(fā)展關(guān)乎我們旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)的科學(xué)持續(xù)發(fā)展。遺憾的是,旅游服務(wù)質(zhì)量多年來未見提升,反而有每況愈下之勢,由導(dǎo)游違規(guī)違法操作引起的旅游服務(wù)質(zhì)量投訴居高不下,這種現(xiàn)象伴隨著媒體的曝光而廣受社會關(guān)注,民眾對旅游業(yè)能否提供合規(guī)、優(yōu)質(zhì)的旅游服務(wù)產(chǎn)生了質(zhì)疑,這業(yè)已成為旅游業(yè)詬病,從根基上影響著我國旅游業(yè)的健康可持續(xù)發(fā)展。 游客感知到的旅游服務(wù)質(zhì)量最終是由直接為其提供面對面服務(wù)的旅行社員工決定。研究和實踐顯示,員工能否提供高質(zhì)量的服務(wù),很大程度上取決于其薪酬收入能否滿足其正常合理需求。眾所周知,我國旅行社員工整體薪酬水平數(shù)十年來一直原地踏步,與其他行業(yè)薪酬水平隨經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展而穩(wěn)步提升相比,旅行社員工薪酬收入嚴(yán)重偏低、激勵效用明顯偏弱,在勞動力市場上毫無競爭力可言,數(shù)十年來改革開放和經(jīng)濟社會全面快速發(fā)展的成果沒有在旅游從業(yè)者身上得到應(yīng)有的共享。低薪弱激勵的薪酬現(xiàn)狀導(dǎo)致旅游業(yè)人才大量流失,高端人才日益銳減,即便是有心留下的旅游從業(yè)者,由于薪酬收入滿足不了其日益增長的正常合理的物質(zhì)文化需求,迫于生活各方壓力,無心改善旅游服務(wù)水平,專心售假欺客、降低服務(wù)質(zhì)量,以此謀求回扣等個人私利,嚴(yán)重影響著旅行社規(guī)范和諧經(jīng)營和旅游業(yè)的健康可持續(xù)發(fā)展,制約我國從旅游大國向旅游強國的轉(zhuǎn)變。因此,解決好旅行社人才留住與激勵的問題,,重構(gòu)與優(yōu)化薪酬激勵機制顯得尤為迫切和重要。 本文通過引入效率工資理論,將其理論與模型應(yīng)用于旅行社薪酬制度的構(gòu)建中,對我國旅行社薪酬激勵機制的優(yōu)化研究是一番有益嘗試和探索。文章首先對薪酬及薪酬激勵理論與效率工資理論進行了系統(tǒng)介紹,并重點闡述了效率工資理論的經(jīng)典模型與四大激勵機制,在此基礎(chǔ)上,梳理和回顧了效率工資在我國的研究動態(tài)。其次,對我國旅行社薪酬現(xiàn)狀進行深刻描述與危害剖析,文章結(jié)合相關(guān)問卷調(diào)查得到的一手?jǐn)?shù)據(jù),驗證了低薪弱激勵現(xiàn)象在我國旅行社中普遍存在,并對此引致的危害進行了全方面多維度深入剖析。然后,在分析效率工資的五大經(jīng)濟效用的基礎(chǔ)上,建立薪酬激勵機制的委托-代理收益博弈模型。最后,結(jié)合我國旅行社發(fā)展實際,提出基于效率工資理論的旅行社導(dǎo)游激勵型薪酬體系構(gòu)建與優(yōu)化設(shè)想,以期從理論層面能對我國旅行社的健康持續(xù)發(fā)展有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's tourism industry has shown a strong growth trend and has made great achievements in the world. Tourism has become an important strategic pivot for the development of the national economy and an important livelihood industry for the masses of people. High quality, comfortable tourism service and the important task of connecting "eat, live, travel, travel, entertainment and purchase" are important support for the development of tourism industry and play an important role in the development of tourism industry. Therefore, in the development stage of mass tourism, the service quality of travel agencies depends on the ability to make thousands of ordinary travel. The tourists are more satisfied, the healthy and orderly development of the travel agency concerns the scientific and continuous development of our tourism industry. Unfortunately, the quality of tourism service has not been improved for many years, but it has been getting worse and worse. The complaint of tourist service quality caused by the illegal operation of the tour guides is high. This phenomenon is widely accepted by the media. The public has questioned whether the tourism industry can provide compliance and high quality tourism services, which has become a criticism of the tourism industry, which has a great influence on the sustainable development of the tourism industry in China.
The quality of tourist service perceived by tourists is ultimately determined by the travel agency employees directly providing face-to-face services. Research and practice show that the ability of employees to provide high quality services depends largely on whether their remuneration income can meet their normal and reasonable demand. Compared with the steady promotion of the economic and social development, the salary and income of the travel agency employees are seriously low, the incentive utility is obviously weak and the labor market is not competitive. The achievements of the reform and opening up and the rapid economic and social development for decades have not been obtained on the tourism practitioners. To the due share. Low salary and weak incentive salary situation leads to the loss of talents in tourism industry, and the high end talent is decreasing. Even the tourist practitioners who are willing to leave are unable to meet the growing normal and reasonable material and cultural needs, under the pressure of all sides of life, improve the service level of tourism, and concentrate on selling the fake. Bullying, reducing the quality of service, and seeking private benefits such as rebate, seriously affect the healthy and sustainable development of the travel agency's standard and harmonious management and tourism industry, and restrict the transformation of our country from a big tourist country to a powerful tourist power. Therefore, it is particularly urgent to solve the problem of retaining and motivating the talents of travel agencies, and reconstructing and optimizing the incentive mechanism of salary. And it's important.
By introducing the theory of efficiency wage, this paper applies its theory and model to the construction of the compensation system of travel agency. It is a useful attempt and exploration to optimize the salary incentive mechanism of our travel agency. First, the article introduces the theory of salary and salary incentive and the theory of efficiency wage, and focuses on the efficiency wage. On the basis of the classic model and the four incentive mechanism, the research trends of efficiency wage in China are reviewed and reviewed. Secondly, the present situation of our travel agency compensation is deeply described and analyzed. On the basis of the analysis of the five economic utility of the efficiency wage, the principal agent income game model of the salary incentive mechanism is set up. Finally, combined with the actual development of China's travel agency, the travel agency based tour guide incentive pay body based on the efficiency wage theory is put forward. The idea of construction and optimization is expected to benefit the healthy and sustainable development of China's travel agencies from the theoretical level.


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