

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 14:06
【摘要】:飲食器具從字面意思上理解,就與飲食活動中的“飲”與“食”相關(guān)的器具。陶瓷飲食器具的造型是器具產(chǎn)生時代的審美特征的集中體現(xiàn),而自然基礎(chǔ)、制陶瓷技術(shù)、經(jīng)濟(jì)生產(chǎn)方式、飲食方式等因素與陶瓷飲食器具的形制又有著密切的關(guān)系。 漢代是一個輝煌、燦爛的歷史時期,在此時期,陶瓷飲食器具展現(xiàn)出與前代截然不同的風(fēng)格走向:傳統(tǒng)禮器開始走下神壇,進(jìn)入人們的日常生活,回歸實用器的用途,這種轉(zhuǎn)變與漢代“禮法互融”的治國方針、“獨(dú)尊儒術(shù)”的統(tǒng)治思想、“天人同構(gòu)”的哲學(xué)觀點(diǎn)以及器具設(shè)計文化的世俗化、生活化有著密切的關(guān)系!耙匀藶楸尽笨梢哉f是漢代工藝美術(shù)發(fā)展的基本特征。 本文選取了具有代表性的禮器及實用器進(jìn)行器具形制的研究,涉及的具體器類有:鼎、壺、罐、碗、釜甑、耳杯、卮、勺、匕、案,這幾類器物在漢代應(yīng)用廣泛、出土數(shù)量眾多,分布廣泛,其造型及裝飾上的演變規(guī)律已可以基本說明漢代飲食器具的造型發(fā)展走向,在研究過程中,以出土文物為根本,以圖像資料和古代文獻(xiàn)為參考,結(jié)合漢代的政治經(jīng)濟(jì)背景、生活形態(tài)和文化思想背景,對以上十種器物的形制特征及其在漢代的發(fā)展演變做了系統(tǒng)的分析研究,并總結(jié)出該器物形制在漢代形成的與其他時代截然不同的形制特點(diǎn)和藝術(shù)特色。 文章的最后通過對漢代社會背景和意識形態(tài)方面內(nèi)容的分析,將陶瓷飲食器具還原到漢代的社會生活中,從而找到了漢代陶瓷飲食器具與漢代社會生活的契合點(diǎn),總結(jié)出影響器物形制的幾個因素,闡述了漢代飲食器具的造物思想和設(shè)計理念。
[Abstract]:Eating utensils are literally related to "drinking" and "eating" in dietary activities. The modeling of ceramic food utensils is the concentrated embodiment of the aesthetic characteristics of the generation of the utensils. However, the natural foundation, ceramic making technology, economic production mode, diet style and other factors are closely related to the shape of ceramic eating utensils. The Han Dynasty was a glorious and splendid historical period, during which the ceramic utensils showed a very different style from the previous one: the traditional ritual ware began to descend from the altar, enter into people's daily life, and return to the use of practical utensils. This change is closely related to the governing policy of "mutual fusion of etiquette and law" in the Han Dynasty, the ruling thought of "respecting Confucianism alone", the philosophical view of "isomorphism between heaven and man" and the secularization of the appliance design culture. "people first" can be said to be the basic characteristic of the development of arts and crafts in Han Dynasty. In this paper, the representative ritual and practical utensils are selected to study the shape of the utensils. The specific types of utensils involved are: tripod, pot, bowl, retort, ear cup, unfathomable, spoon, dagger, case. These kinds of utensils were widely used in the Han Dynasty. The number of excavations is numerous and the distribution is wide. The evolution law of its shape and decoration can basically explain the developing trend of catering utensils in the Han Dynasty. In the course of research, the unearthed cultural relics are taken as the foundation, and the image data and ancient documents are taken as references. Combined with the political and economic background, life form and cultural and ideological background of the Han Dynasty, this paper makes a systematic analysis and study on the shape characteristics of the above ten kinds of implements and their development and evolution in the Han Dynasty. And summed up the shape of the object formed in the Han Dynasty and other times completely different from the shape of the characteristics of the form and art. Finally, by analyzing the social background and ideology of the Han Dynasty, the article restores the ceramic food utensils to the social life of the Han Dynasty, thus finding the joint point between the ceramic eating utensils and the social life of the Han Dynasty. This paper summarizes several factors that affect the shape of utensils, and expounds the creational thought and design idea of food utensils in Han Dynasty.


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