

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-24 19:43
【摘要】:經(jīng)過30多年的改革開放,我國(guó)成功實(shí)現(xiàn)了由旅游資源大國(guó)向旅游大國(guó)的轉(zhuǎn)變,但與美國(guó)、法國(guó)、西班牙、德國(guó)等世界旅游強(qiáng)國(guó)相比,我國(guó)旅游業(yè)依然缺乏核心競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力,實(shí)現(xiàn)由旅游大國(guó)向旅游強(qiáng)國(guó)轉(zhuǎn)變的任務(wù)依然艱巨。世界旅游組織提出:政府在旅游業(yè)發(fā)展的不同階段應(yīng)扮演不同的角色。在我國(guó)旅游業(yè)由單純規(guī)模增長(zhǎng)向產(chǎn)業(yè)素質(zhì)提升轉(zhuǎn)變的關(guān)鍵時(shí)期,分析旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中的政府角色問題,是我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展面臨的重要理論和政策課題。 在我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色問題的研究領(lǐng)域,旅游經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)應(yīng)用市場(chǎng)失靈與政府規(guī)制理論分析了政府介入旅游市場(chǎng)的必要性及其彌補(bǔ)旅游市場(chǎng)失靈的角色定位,旅游學(xué)論述了政府旅游部門在旅游業(yè)發(fā)展不同階段的不同角色。但是,已有的研究對(duì)我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色問題的時(shí)代背景——“經(jīng)濟(jì)轉(zhuǎn)軌中政府與市場(chǎng)關(guān)系變遷”尚未給予足夠的關(guān)注。為彌補(bǔ)這一研究視角的缺失,本文引入轉(zhuǎn)軌經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)的理論和方法,對(duì)經(jīng)濟(jì)轉(zhuǎn)軌背景下旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中的政府角色變遷進(jìn)行了以下具有一定創(chuàng)新性的研究: (1)構(gòu)建了我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色定位的分析框架,分析了旅游業(yè)發(fā)展不同階段對(duì)政府作用的不同需求,論證了通過政府轉(zhuǎn)型,形成市場(chǎng)主導(dǎo)、政府服務(wù)的旅游發(fā)展方式在經(jīng)濟(jì)轉(zhuǎn)軌時(shí)期促進(jìn)旅游業(yè)健康發(fā)展的必要性和必然性。 (2)分析了我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色的變遷歷程和實(shí)質(zhì),評(píng)估了不同時(shí)期我國(guó)政府在旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中的角色扮演及其績(jī)效,闡述了我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色變遷的本質(zhì)。 在我國(guó)改革開放初期,政府由完全取代市場(chǎng)向開放市場(chǎng)和培育市場(chǎng)主體轉(zhuǎn)變,有效激發(fā)了市場(chǎng)活力,促進(jìn)了旅游業(yè)的繁榮。隨著市場(chǎng)化改革的逐步深入,政府開始扮演市場(chǎng)調(diào)控者角色,通過產(chǎn)業(yè)政策有效促進(jìn)了旅游市場(chǎng)總供給與總需求的平衡,但隨后借助行政手段調(diào)整旅游市場(chǎng)結(jié)構(gòu)的努力未能奏效。與此同時(shí),政府也開始扮演管制人角色,但前期采取的行政性規(guī)制手段導(dǎo)致了市場(chǎng)的混亂,而中期出臺(tái)的規(guī)制性法規(guī)卻促進(jìn)了行業(yè)的有序發(fā)展,后期出臺(tái)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)引導(dǎo)了行業(yè)的健康發(fā)展。另外政府還扮演了守夜人的角色,動(dòng)用行政力量促進(jìn)了行業(yè)法規(guī)的實(shí)施。 (3)研究了我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色變遷的基本特征。本文認(rèn)為,我國(guó)政府在旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中的角色變遷動(dòng)力包括開放動(dòng)力、需求動(dòng)力與市場(chǎng)動(dòng)力。其中開放動(dòng)力是原始動(dòng)力,需求動(dòng)力是持續(xù)動(dòng)力,市場(chǎng)動(dòng)力是主導(dǎo)動(dòng)力。我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色的變遷具有政府推動(dòng)、市場(chǎng)主導(dǎo),漸進(jìn)性,角色非均衡,約束條件限制性等基本特征。 (4)分析了我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色變遷的趨勢(shì),以現(xiàn)階段我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色變遷的需求動(dòng)力調(diào)研和市場(chǎng)動(dòng)力分析為依據(jù),結(jié)合現(xiàn)階段我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中更加關(guān)注旅游資源的社會(huì)價(jià)值、強(qiáng)化市場(chǎng)對(duì)旅游資源配置的基礎(chǔ)性作用等政府理念創(chuàng)新趨勢(shì),本文的研究結(jié)論是,我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色變遷的基本趨勢(shì)為:公益人的角色將逐步完善;調(diào)控者的角色將持續(xù)改善。 (5)論證了我國(guó)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中政府角色優(yōu)化的目標(biāo)與改革路徑,一是扮演管制人與守夜人角色,應(yīng)對(duì)旅游市場(chǎng)信息的不對(duì)稱;二是扮演調(diào)控者、管制人、守夜人與仲裁者的角色,有效解決旅游市場(chǎng)的外部性問題;三是扮演公益人的角色,推進(jìn)旅游經(jīng)濟(jì)體制和管理制度改革;四是扮演協(xié)調(diào)者的角色,促進(jìn)旅游服務(wù)供給結(jié)構(gòu)與需求結(jié)構(gòu)的匹配和均衡。
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has successfully realized the transformation from a large tourist resource country to a great tourist country. However, compared with the world tourism powers such as the United States, France, Spain and Germany, our tourism industry still lacks the core competitiveness, and the task of transforming from a great tourist power to a powerful tourist power is still arduous. In the different stages of tourism development, the government should play different roles. In the critical period of China's tourism industry from simple scale growth to industrial quality, the analysis of the role of government in the development of tourism is an important theoretical and policy topic for the development of China's tourism industry.
In the research field of the role of government in the development of China's tourism industry, tourism economics applies market failure and government regulation theory to analyze the necessity of government intervention in the tourism market and the role to make up for the role of tourism market failure. Tourism studies the different roles of government tourism departments in different stages of tourism development. Some studies have not paid enough attention to the background of the role of government in the development of China's tourism industry - "the relationship between government and the market in the economic transition". In order to make up for the lack of this research perspective, this paper introduces the theory and method of transition economics to change the role of government in the development of Tourism under the background of economic transition. The following innovative studies have been carried out:
(1) the analysis framework of the role of government role in the development of tourism industry in China is constructed, and the different needs of the government in different stages of tourism development are analyzed, and the necessity and necessity of promoting the healthy development of tourism in the period of economic transition is demonstrated by the transformation of the government, the formation of market leading, and the tourism development mode of government service.
(2) it analyzes the changing course and essence of the role of government in the development of China's tourism industry, evaluates the role played by the government in the development of tourism in different periods and its performance, and expounds the essence of the change of government role in the development of China's tourism industry.
In the early stage of China's reform and opening up, the government has changed from the market to the open market and the main body of the market, effectively stimulating the vitality of the market and promoting the prosperity of the tourism industry. With the gradual deepening of the market-oriented reform, the government has begun to play the role of the market regulator and effectively promoted the total supply and demand of the tourism market through industrial policy. At the same time, the government began to play the role of the regulator. However, the government began to play the role of the regulator, but the earlier administrative regulations led to the chaos of the market, and the regulatory regulations issued in the middle period promoted the orderly development of the industry. The government also acted as a watchman, using administrative power to promote the implementation of industry regulations.
(3) the basic characteristics of the role change of the government in the development of tourism industry in China are studied. The motivation of the role changes of our government in the development of tourism industry includes open power, demand power and market power. The driving force is the original driving force, the demand power is the continuous motive force, the market power is the dominant motive force. The change of government's role has the basic characteristics of government impetus, market leading, gradual, unbalanced role and restrictive conditions.
(4) the trend of the change of government role in the development of China's tourism is analyzed. Based on the demand dynamic investigation and market dynamic analysis of the changes of government role in the development of China's tourism industry at the present stage, the social value of tourism resources is paid more attention to in the development of China's tourism industry at the present stage, and the basic work of the market to the allocation of tourism resources is strengthened. In this paper, the basic trend of the change of government role in the development of China's tourism industry is that the role of public welfare people will be gradually improved, and the role of the regulators will continue to improve.
(5) the objective and the reform path of the government role optimization in the development of China's tourism industry are demonstrated, one is to play the role of the regulator and night watchman, to cope with the asymmetric information of the tourism market, and the two is to play the role of regulators, regulators, night watchmen and arbitrators, to effectively solve the external problems of the tourism market; and three to play the role of public welfare people, Fourthly, we should act as a coordinator to promote the matching and balance between the supply structure and demand structure of tourism services.


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