speed railway metropolitan accessibility daily communication
The Influence of High-Speed Railways on Accessibility of Yangtze River Delta Region’s Metropolitans
[1] [2]
WANG De - gen,ZHANG Yun(1. Tourism Department of Sooehow University, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu, China ; 2. Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation,Northern Arizona Unive
[1]蘇州大學旅游系,中國江蘇蘇州215123; [2]北亞利桑那大學地理規(guī)劃與休閑系,美國亞利桑那弗拉格斯塔夫86011-5016; [3]安徽工程大學機電學院,中國安徽蕪湖241000
Abstr:This paper integrated method of cost weighted raster analysis was designed and applied to generate five metropolitans’ daily communication rings with and with the operation of high- speed railways in Yangtze River Delta region. The valuation of accessibility was conducted with a coefficient based on the shortest travel time. After the valuation, differences between accessibility patterns with scenarios with and without high-speed railways were analyzed,and influences of the high-speed railways on five metropolitans’ accessibility were discussed. The results indicated that cities along the high- speed railways became the biggest beneficiaries of time convergence, the accessibility of none station cities also promoted while in minutely. The isochronous rings of five metropolitans evolved outward along the high-speed railways, and the spatial scope showing the extend trend along the high-speed railways. High-speed railways would expand the isochronous ring, and the coverage of five metropolitans’ daily communication ring almost attained one hundred percent in scenario of high- speed railway. The coverage of 1 and 2 hour- isochronous rings extended in varying degrees. This indicated that daily flow across the cities, and"City effect"can be achieved with the closer time distance among main cities inside or outside the metropolitans.
Keyword::high-speed railway metropolitan accessibility daily communication ring Yangtze River Delta region