

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 11:10

  本文關鍵詞:黑龍江大興安嶺地區(qū)森林枯落物含水率遙感反演 出處:《東北林業(yè)大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: MODIS 森林枯落物 含水率 水分敏感波段

【摘要】:森林枯落物含水率是影響森林火災發(fā)生的重要因素,新興發(fā)展的遙感技術為森林枯落物含水率預測提供了快捷、方便而又可靠的途徑。其中的MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)數(shù)據(jù)由于其周期短、宏觀性強、穩(wěn)定、經(jīng)濟的特點,以逐漸成為自然資源探查、災害預測預報、國土統(tǒng)計調(diào)查、環(huán)境保護等研究的重要手段。本研究利用MODIS BRDF(Bi-Directional Reflectance Function)和LAI (Leaf AreaIndex)數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)合基于實測光譜建立的森林枯落物含水率的估算模型對大興安嶺地區(qū)森林枯落物含水率進行反演。主要的研究結(jié)果如下:(1)利用烘干法實測森林枯落物含水率和SVCHR-1024i全波段地物光譜儀采集其光譜數(shù)據(jù),并用統(tǒng)計方法建立原始、一階導數(shù)和去包絡線三種不同形式光譜的枯落物含水率的模型,模型的決定系數(shù)(R2)、平均相對誤差(MRE),均方根誤差(RMSE)分別為:0.422、0.17、0.54;0.489、0.33、1.15;0.566、0.306、0.45。通過相關系數(shù)分析得出水分敏感波段為468nm~868nm、 998nm~1028nm、1158~1218nm、1318-2248nm、 2378~2488nm (呈現(xiàn)極顯著)418nm~468nm、878~988nm、1018nm~1068nm、 1228nm~1248nm、2258nm~2308nm (呈現(xiàn)顯著),且在1498nm和1508nm處出現(xiàn)極值分別為0.69和-0.69。(2)借助陳鏡明教授的4-scale模型,結(jié)合MODIS BRDF和LAI數(shù)據(jù)產(chǎn)品對大興安嶺地區(qū)森林枯落物的反演,結(jié)果表明:在建立查找表對多次散射因子(M)和四分量(KT,KZT,KG,KZG)的求解、在M求解中,分別對0。、25。、45。、60。這四個觀測角度的模型擬合進行評價和篩選,最后確定45。和60。為最優(yōu)角度。在選取的MODISBRDF圖像5、6波段和多次散射因子(M)建立的模型R2分別為:0.577、0.583;0.95、0.947。在四分量求解中建立的模型R2分別為:0.769、0.867、0.937、0.879;0.822、0.83、0.917、0.82。在之后反演制圖中模型的平均絕對誤差(MAE)等于61.4%,均方根誤差(RMSE)等于696.6%。結(jié)果表明:借助MODIS數(shù)據(jù)反演森林枯落物含水率能夠提供準確的連續(xù)性好的枯落物含水率數(shù)據(jù),對林火預測預報具有一定的意義。
[Abstract]:Forest litter moisture is an important factor affecting forest fire, remote sensing technology developing moisture prediction provides a quick way for forest litter, convenient and reliable. The MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data because of its short cycle, macroeconomic stability, strong economic characteristics, to gradually become the natural resources exploration, disaster forecast, land survey, an important means of environmental protection and so on. This study uses MODIS BRDF (Bi-Directional Reflectance Function) and LAI (Leaf AreaIndex) to establish the estimation model of the measured spectrum of forest litter moisture on a forest in Greater Khingan Range area litter moisture inversion based on data combined. The main results are as follows: (1) the use of drying method to measure forest litter moisture and SVCHR-1024i full band spectrometer collection The spectral data, and use statistical methods to establish the original, first derivative and envelope to three kinds of spectra of the moisture content of litter in the model, the determination coefficient of the model (R2), the average relative error (MRE), root mean square error (RMSE) were: 0.422,0.17,0.54; 0.489,0.33,1.15; 0.566,0.306,0.45. through the analysis of the correlation coefficient the moisture sensitive bands of 468nm ~ 868nm, 998nm ~ 1028nm, 1158 ~ 1218nm, 2378 ~ 2488nm (1318-2248nm, 418nm showed significant) ~ 468nm, 878 ~ 988nm, 1018nm ~ 1068nm, 1228nm ~ 1248nm, 2258nm ~ 2308nm (significant), and the 1498nm and 1508nm value were 0.69 and -0.69. (2) by using the 4-scale model of Professor Chen Jingming, MODIS BRDF and LAI inversion, combined with data on a forest litter in Greater Khingan Range area. The results showed that: in the lookup table is established on multiple scattering factor (M) and four component (KT, KZT, KG KZG), the solution in solving M, respectively for 0., 25., 45., 60. model fitting the four observation angle evaluation and screening, to determine the final 45. and 60. for the optimal angle. In the 5,6 band MODISBRDF image selection and multiple scattering factor (M) model developed by R2 were: 0.577,0.583 R2; model 0.95,0.947. in the four component solution established respectively: 0.769,0.867,0.937,0.879; 0.822,0.83,0.917,0.82. after model inversion in mapping the mean absolute error (MAE) equal to 61.4%, the root mean square error (RMSE) is equal to the result of 696.6%. showed that with the help of MODIS data inversion of forest litter moisture can provide accurate good continuity of litter moisture content data, which has a certain significance for forest fire forecast.



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