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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 10:17

  本文關鍵詞:基于群體行為模式特征的銀行網點選址模型研究 出處:《天津大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 選址 銀行 相關性分析 數據包絡分析

[Abstract]:The development of big data technology so that we can get the flow of people, the business information, the number of competing products, to improve the situation of asymmetric information. In the massive data support on the empirical analysis of customer behavior and statistical modeling can help decision-makers location mining maximal user groups, and behavior patterns of the population as users in their financial outlets in macro performance, using this index can further optimize the location decision. On this issue, to network specific data as an example, establishes the corresponding model for experimental analysis and optimization, using four layer structure on bank location platform has been designed specifically as follows: 1. the location model characteristics of group behavior based on the model of bank outlets, the main points of location model and ATM model for bank outlets location model. The model takes the community as the research object, combined with network business data The basic characteristics, behavior pattern groups and correlation analysis of basic attribute of the community the results of feature selection, in order to evaluate the efficiency theory of universal financial industry data envelopment analysis as the foundation, constructs the.2. quality evaluation standard location model is proposed for the design of group behavior pattern features based on the site selection of bank platform, according to the location of domain requirements, platform mainly includes the community attribute data acquisition module, data network management module, module and the visualization module algorithm complete location, location model of platform application, to promote the role of.3. to verify the feasibility of the location model for the subsequent development, the Tianjin rural commercial Bank 437 bank branches and 331 outlets of ATM data based on data the corresponding communities, Tianjin city population, traffic, economy, group behavior pattern data, to complete the actual paper model should be Use of location results and models were analyzed and suggestions for improvement. Based on the location field, abstracted the site required data dimension, to community as the research object, starting from the analysis of correlation, and introduces the characteristics of group behavior model is the location decision-making process. At the same time, broaden the dimensions of data location decision-making process and can realize according to the need to update the location, design platform for the characteristics of behavior groups, to meet the requirements of the iterative model and enhance the versatility of the model.



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