

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 09:18

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:隨機(jī)環(huán)境下公交系統(tǒng)魯棒性優(yōu)化方法研究 出處:《吉林大學(xué)》2017年博士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 公共交通 公交串車 公交駐站 公交跳站 魯棒性優(yōu)化 車輛延誤

[Abstract]:As the city bus system and city traffic system and city residents travel associated with the open complex system, disorderly operation many random factors are likely to result in the public transportation system. With the rapid development of social economy, city bus as one of the main city residents travel mode, bus operation reliability and stability is more attention, the the bus system referred to as the "robustness", mainly reflected the robustness of the single line operation of the city bus. A large number of random disturbance factors including city public transportation system, such as the speed of the uncertainty of passengers in the bus station at random, bus during operation due to random traffic disturbance can not accurately follow the schedule the operation plan established, resulting in the decrease of bus running stability and service quality. In this paper the city bus system random disturbance The bus operation disorder induced by bus, the bus transit system frequent train as the research object, analysis of the impact on the bus transit train case of road traffic, construction calculation model of vehicle based on the additional delay of traffic wave theory, and stochastic volatility of the bus station in the bus passenger flow, passenger flow and analysis to the data of two-dimensional time series of bus stations on the statistical basis of design of bus station passenger two-dimensional prediction model based on time series and then to bus station control and coordinated control as a means to self balanced car head pitch control strategy, design under random environment bus system robust optimization method to enhance the ability to resist the bus system random interference. Based on the bus in the control system of the important part of the discussion and the research, formed a system, city bus operation of Science When the control system. The main contents and research results are summarized as follows. (1) research on the calculation method of additional delay of vehicle traffic wave theory based on linear bus. According to the site layout at the intersection near the bus on vehicle impact on road vehicle operation problems, first of all, with a single bus in the bus stop sites of road traffic flow the influence of operation characteristics analysis based on different time sections of the research into the bus, bus delay on road vehicles will influence divided into six types, with the traffic wave theory, classified construction of single bus road vehicles under the influence of additional delay calculation model; then, analysis of linear single berth and double bus stations berth, gathered to the site two bus operation mechanism, according to single and double berth berth bus station, bus in site design The calculation method of the stopping time, to get on bus car, two bus at the site of the docking time between road vehicles additional delay, and the construction of road vehicles under different berth additional delay calculation model. The results of this part provide the necessary theoretical support for the real-time control method of bus (2). Study on the prediction method of short term passenger flow based on two dimensional time series. Bus passenger arrival fluctuation of the bus station is mainly considering influence of random factors transit system operation stability. Considering the city road transportation system optimization method to predict short-term bus passenger demand to the passenger data of two-dimensional time series (real-time data and historical traffic flow data) as the basic data, using Calman filtering algorithm using parallel architecture model based prediction and decision level fusion method. Prediction of passenger volume flow meter algorithm based on two-dimensional time series; based on dynamic prediction adaptive weight coefficient as the core idea, to predict rolling prediction model, considering the model simplicity, reliability prediction based on the requirement of design decision level fusion method for prediction of three kinds of embedded bus passenger is different bus passenger flow prediction control system needs to provide a short passenger flow forecasting support. Research results of this part can provide data support for the random environment city bus system robust optimization method system. (3) research of optimization method of bus station based on robust control system. On the base of describing the process of bus transit system and the normal operation of the main random factors influencing the bus on the bus on the car of the generation mechanism of public transportation system, which based on The bus system of mathematical abstraction, to build public transportation system description system; in the bus system are subjected to random disturbances after the return to steady state ability is poor, in order to improve the transit headway convergence speed and reduce the control point in time as the goal, to balance the headway as the design concept, put forward a kind of adjacent bus the headway of self balancing control strategy; bus system random disturbance factor more direct construction of bus station in the form of analytical model of control model is difficult, therefore, based on the analysis of the ring bus station passenger bus operation shadow, with disturbance factors as the research context gradually added, the real-time control of the control point of the bus the construction method of control model, from simple to complex step by step, the bus station set up time calculation model, based on the design of the bus in the station control system based on Method of robust optimization, and separately from the ideal case, the effectiveness of linear and nonlinear assumptions and the actual situation of the three level to verify the control method. The research results of this part provide a new solution for improving the bus system resistance to random interference. (4) the research of optimization method of bus system Robust Coordinated Control Based on adaptive. The problem of different passenger demand under the bus system robust optimization method, in the bus station and bus station jump control means on the basis of the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the bus station, bus station control and jump operation means complementary characteristic analysis, and to the bus station and the bus station jump to coordinate control means, to balance the bus the headway for coordinated control strategy, according to the adjacent control points of the bus headway in the dynamic choice of bus station or bus station to jump, construction of coordinated control algorithm based on the control process; The bus system means the headway iterative evolution trend prediction model was established to choose dynamic transit stations and bus station in the jump, on the basis of constructing bus station time calculation model, and puts forward the bus system robustness optimization method of bus station and bus station based on hop control coordination, and coordination of various control options the control means are analyzed by means of numerical analysis, by extracting each control means select the number and the corresponding bus system, analysis of the coordinated control method to control the inherent mechanism of the effect of the bus system, and the coordination control method applicable scope are discussed. The research results of this part provide scientific support for the control system of intelligent city bus the control system with the applicability of this model in the research process, simplicity, advanced concept as the guiding ideology, the city often The bus transit system on vehicle problems, put forward a random environment transit system robust optimization method, the advanced scientific methods to city transit system operation practice. The research thought, this thesis involves context, method and the research results of this dissertation have important theoretical value and practical significance to improve the city public transportation system construction and operation management system and abundant city public transportation system planning theory and method system.



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2 韓京清;;控制系統(tǒng)魯棒性與G




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