

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 02:16

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:一種稠油在線計(jì)量裝置的研究 出處:《西北大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 稠油實(shí)時在線計(jì)量 翻斗稱重 部件選擇 PLC控制系統(tǒng)

[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, a variety of requirements in oil field development are also increasing. The powerful and high level of automation oil well metering device has been paid more and more attention. Traditional heavy oil separation measurement method. Oil, gas and water are separated and then measured separately. Although the measurement accuracy is higher and the technology is more mature, it is difficult to measure accurately because of the characteristics of heavy oil itself. If the traditional metering method is still adopted, it will cause relatively high input, not economical, and low input will result in low measurement accuracy. Therefore, it is of great significance to find a real-time measuring device for multi-well heavy oil. Through the comprehensive analysis of the separation and measurement system of heavy oil at home and abroad, combined with the actual situation of heavy oil field in China. Especially for the heavy oil with high wax content in the north, the paper puts forward the conception of on-line real-time measurement of the new oil well separation, and after in-depth analysis and research, a set of practical and feasible is designed. The economical and economical heavy oil well metering system. Inspired by simple tipping bucket metering, the design scheme of weighing heavy oil well by tipping bucket is determined. The structure diagram of on-line real-time measurement of multi-well separation is designed. After a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the on-line real-time measurement system for multi-well separation, the selection types of each component are determined according to the working principle. Including gas measurement, temperature measurement, moisture content measurement. Weighing each seemingly independent and closely combined parts. Finally, the most common Siemens S7-300 PLC control system for on-line measurement system real-time control, data transceiver. Storage. Through the traditional two-phase separator, three-phase separator in-depth comparison, the heavy oil directly weighing measurement, measurement link is simpler, on the one hand, improve the measurement accuracy of heavy oil. Combined with the PLC system, the degree of automation is higher, and the management level of remote monitoring and unmanned management is truly realized. It is a breakthrough in the gathering and transportation mode of crude oil production industry, in order to improve labor productivity. Reducing the labor intensity of workers and saving investment provides a strong support. Through the research of this paper, it can not only provide the theoretical basis for the follow-up research of on-line real-time measurement of heavy oil. At the same time, it can also provide some reference for some other types of metering systems.


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