

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 00:30

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:我國企業(yè)設(shè)定受益計劃會計問題研究 出處:《長安大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 設(shè)定受益計劃 會計準則 會計處理 信息披露

[Abstract]:In 2011 the international accounting standards board in order to solve the increasingly serious pension problems, revised the "International Accounting Standards No. nineteenth employee benefits - > (IAS19), the revised guidelines immediately confirm the method instead of interval method to confirm the re measurement using the actuarial gains and losses, clearly defined benefit plan cost reporting choice, refinement of the defined benefit the risk disclosure plan, revised by all the countries in the world of defined benefit plan attention. In order to achieve the international convergence of accounting standards, strengthen international cooperation, promoting the development of capital market, solve the current standard is difficult to satisfy the current situation of China's Ministry of Finance in 2014 revised the" Enterprise Accounting Standards No. ninth - > (referred to as employee compensation CAS9 (2014)). The revised CAS9 (2014) is the biggest highlight of the introduction of defined benefit plan, its complexity and is based on import in our country Many problems in the implementation of enterprise accounting. This paper based on the new criterion of the defined benefit plan as the research object, designed for defined benefit plan in the development of China's enterprises to explore the road. This paper uses statistical analysis and normative research methods. Statistical analysis, this paper makes the statistical analysis of 1051 listed companies in Shanghai in 2014 A shares, found that China's implementation of defined benefit plan of small enterprises in the sample of only 56 companies in the industry, distribution and distribution structure of property rights are too concentrated, this is the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, the economic system itself, determines the overseas mergers and acquisitions and other factors. The defined benefit plan of information disclosure for statistical analysis found that the influence of enterprises the cash flow risk disclosure and analysis of lack of disclosure is the most serious. The normative research, the theoretical basis of defined benefit plan involved and the relevant concepts As the starting point, through our country with foreign accounting standards in the course of development, information disclosure, comparison of the three latitude, found that China's accounting standards for defined benefit plan practice norms are still lacking. Through this study, to find our criteria for setting deficiencies of benefit plan specification, and put forward there are many American and international standards and the situation of our country is not harmonious factors, suggestions to selective foreign accounting standards, it has important significance to the improvement and construction of retirement benefits accounting theory system in line with China's national conditions. In addition, based on the actual situation of defined benefit plan analysis, to guide future development.



中國期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前10條

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3 劉小燕;卜華;;新職工薪酬準則中的設(shè)定受益計劃解讀[J];財會月刊;2015年07期

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5 孫敏娜;傅宏宇;;新職工薪酬準則中設(shè)定受益計劃會計處理探討[J];會計之友;2014年31期

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8 王東艷;宋子龍;劉玉杰;;我國養(yǎng)老金會計的改進與完善——基于《職工薪酬》(征求意見稿)的思考[J];會計之友;2013年23期

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