

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-08 22:16

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:新疆昆侖輪胎MES系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計與實現(xiàn) 出處:《電子科技大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: MES系統(tǒng) 生產(chǎn)管理 實時監(jiān)控

[Abstract]:The development of information technology is changing in today's society, an important means of promoting economic growth. In recent years the economic development, the development of the information technology provides convenience for can not be ignored in China's economic growth. The construction has become an important concern for various industries. At the same time, the development of information technology for China's workforce development and the realization of enterprise informatization construction, and laid a solid foundation to improve work efficiency. The production automation system of Xinjiang Kunlun Tire Co. Ltd to do in-depth research. The core work is the product production enterprise production, control and supervision, production cannot do without the information system. Therefore, this paper will describe the.MES system called manufacturing execution system for enterprises on the enterprise's MES system, is an important way and channel management of production and management of enterprises. The enterprise can reduce the production and management system The gap, to achieve the production and management of information as much as possible. The MES system of foreign research started earlier, using a long time, the foreign production enterprises to increase power, increase the domestic production enterprises of manufacturing capacity. However, in the MES of the ranks of domestic late start, application time, mature technology the degree is not high, the current in the production of the research and application of the system in the initial stage of development, therefore, the actual production of the enterprise management, research and application of MES. That has an important impact on China's manufacturing enterprises management level through the study of this topic will tire upgrade, deep technology and the research on the generation of industrial enterprises also brought an important guarantee. The main work of this paper is the production process of tire production enterprise executive system order demand research, combining the research content to complete the functions of the system include The analysis and design, and then the key technology to complete the software design of system encoding, testing and on-line work. The project implementation process, make full use of the enterprise developed network and advanced hardware equipment, extraction tools to complete system functions to achieve a combination of data storage technology and ETL data. In the process of this study, and demand the design system based on the key choice of key technology are analyzed. Finally using the J2ee technology, Weblogic cluster deployment technology, Rac technology and C/S database cluster, B/S framework technology to complete data collection from the workshop to the development and application of information management system of the upper. After the design and development of the system management functions, personnel management function, information collection function, data statistics and task scheduling functions, provide new management means for Kunlun tire production. The practice proved that the basic system It can meet the needs of the actual production management of the enterprise, realize the effective combination of the upper production management system and the bottom production control system, and achieve the comprehensive integration of enterprise information, which has a certain reference value for the production management informatization of related industries.



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