

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 20:27

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:服飾類奢侈品網(wǎng)絡(luò)購買行為研究 出處:《浙江理工大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 服飾類奢侈品 網(wǎng)絡(luò)購買 消費(fèi)者行為 影響因素

[Abstract]:At present, the rapid development of economy China, entered a new norm. As the per capita income and the quality of people's life and constantly improve the level of China, consumers are increasingly seeking high quality of life. China luxury market consumption potential, new consumer groups increased, consumption increased year by year. However, in recent years, China the overall economic slowdown, and in fast fashion the Internet, etc. under the impact of the traditional luxury store sales challenges and pressure in the market of our country. As early as the 2008 financial crisis, the price is expensive, the consumption elasticity and does not belong to the essential consumer goods, luxury goods industry has been hit hard. The previous focus on line store consumer experience luxury enterprises began to change in the sales dropped under the weight gradually abandon the inherent bias, selection of the Internet platform for Internet marketing activities. The sustained, rapid development, combined with the business activities of electronic Business, influence and change consumer habits and consumption patterns. Online shopping has been integrated into people's lives, has become more and more important part. With the development of electronic commerce and China luxury market continues to expand and mature, network sales of luxury goods began to become popular and new business profit. Luxury enterprises pay more and more attention to Chinese the market. Through theoretical analysis, concept definition, research hypotheses, questionnaire survey, data analysis and summary, in-depth study of the purchase behavior of apparel luxury products. From the review of the theory in network, based on domestic and foreign literature review of related literature, luxury, online purchasing and consumer behavior research and reasonable arrangement. Through the review of literature review, combined with China apparel luxury products network marketing status quo, purchasing behavior of apparel luxury network, In the Engel model, Howard Sheth model and Hawkins model as the foundation, construction of apparel luxury products online purchasing behavior model. According to the questionnaire, put forward the hypothesis, design the questionnaire, through in-depth analysis on SPSS22.0 data, the reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and correction model. Finally, according to the research conclusion, put forward model of consumer purchase behavior of luxury goods marketing strategy based on the network. This paper is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, describes the research background, content, method, framework, innovation and significance; the second chapter is the literature review, research, organize a luxury, network purchase, consumer behavior and influence related factors, provide theoretical support for further research; the third chapter is the analysis of luxury clothing network marketing development present situation, through to the Chinese consumer market, luxury goods The status quo of network marketing, online shopping platform of luxury apparel luxury products, analysis of influence factors of online shopping, provide a realistic basis for the following research; the fourth chapter is the clothing luxury online buying behavior research, summed up the influencing factors, and constructs the model, hypotheses, questionnaire design and data analysis, the final correction model; the fifth chapter for the network marketing strategy of apparel luxury products online shopping behavior based on the model, the modified model corresponding to the fourth chapter, put forward the corresponding marketing strategy; the sixth chapter is conclusion and prospect, summarize the research contents, points out the deficiencies and prospects for the future research. In the apparel luxury products online shopping behavior research, the author will influence factors are divided into non stimulus stimulus or input factors, reaction or output factors. Among them, non stimulating factors of population variables; stimulus or input factors, package The influence factors and the external environment of the individual effects of two kinds of reaction; or output is a major factor in the purchase decision-making process. Through the questionnaire survey, statistical analysis of the data, to verify the hypothesis, the research conclusions are as follows: (1) demographic variables, apparel luxury online shopping behavior by consumers' income, age, level of education, online shopping experience. The effect of contact time was significantly affected by luxury; occupation, gender and city of residence is not significant. (2) the attitude of individual factors, consumer factors, motivational factors, emotional factors and apparel luxury online shopping decision-making system is positively correlated; there was a negative correlation between the perceived risk factors and apparel luxury online shopping decision-making system (. 3) the external environmental factors, cultural factors, product factors, factors of online shopping platform, distribution factors and apparel luxury products online shopping decision-making system was positively related to relationship. Through in-depth study of clothing Luxury online buying behavior, mining, analysis of the influencing factors. And according to the modified model, in order to improve the brand awareness and recognition, expand the online sales channels, arouse interest, improve the four aspects of evaluation after purchase, put forward specific network marketing strategy of enterprises in carrying out the corresponding luxury apparel e-commerce with the the theoretical and practical significance.



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1 郭Y蹙




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