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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 20:16

  本文關鍵詞:中國特殊教育師資培養(yǎng)研究(1978-2016) 出處:《東北師范大學》2017年博士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 特殊教育師資培養(yǎng) 培養(yǎng)體系 培養(yǎng)模式 課程設置

[Abstract]:Since the 17th, the development of special education more and more attention by the party and the country. The 17th Party Congress put forward the "special care education" Eighteen report "support special education", 2015, the party's the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee through the "CPC Central Committee on national economic and social development in the thirteenth five year plan" proposed "the run of special education, special education development objectives and requirements to further improve. The teacher is the core element of the development of special education, teacher training of special education is to promote the development of special education to improve the level of an important guarantee and support. However, studies have shown that China's current special education teachers also face the shortage of teaching ability and experience. Lack of qualification of teachers is low and the bottleneck of the development of.2012 low self-efficacy in strengthening the team construction of special education teachers' opinions," 2014 Special education enhancement program (2014-2016) > major policy, as an important part of supporting the development of special education teacher training of special education, puts forward new requirements for special education teachers and teacher training. The author chooses "China special education teacher training" problem, designed by the process of review and reflection of special education teachers I in the training, and learn from the experience of western developed countries, to reveal the problems of the cultivation of special education teachers in China, put forward the perfect path concept of teacher training of special education. This study with a large number of first-hand information, including documents, policies and regulations, education statistical yearbook, the university teachers training through the internal data. On the cultivation of special education teachers in China and the historical literature of China's reform and opening up, the special education teachers training history, full investigation and The system analysis, the study includes the following several parts. Introduction. Explains the purpose and significance of the study, the basic connotation of cultivation of special education teachers in China and the specific research object, on the basis of summarizing existing research results, the overall frame of writing and basic idea on the construction of this paper, introduces the basic research methods. Chapter, the rise and development of Chinese special education teacher training. Mainly discusses learning from west east to the early since the reform and opening up, the establishment of the system of training of special education teachers in China, has experienced a tortuous development early, to fracture during the cultural revolution, seeking revival and stable development, cultivation of special education teachers in China is how to from the early development of the embarrassing situation, development to form the experience of some teacher training, training of professional special education teachers, started preliminary exploration. The system of our country. It is influenced by many factors such as their own ability and environmental education teacher development, reveals the driving force behind the promoting and restricting. In the second chapter, Chinese characteristics of special education teachers training system preliminary formation (1978 - 1997). From our teacher training education in special education support policy, formulate laws and regulations. The training mode of change, the development of different dimensions of curriculum, analysis of China's reform and opening up the last century at the end of 90s, the different forms and causes of teacher training of special education, trend of common characteristics of this period described by showing the basic development. In the third chapter, deepen the reform of Chinese special education teacher training (1998 2016). This chapter mainly from the perspective of teachers' professional development, to explore from twentieth Century since the end of the 90s, inclusive education in education integration, inclusive education background, especially the seventeen party Eighteen, held after the special education teachers' professional development connotation, should have the professional quality, training, training mode and corresponding policy development and implementation. This paper also selects 2 subordinates and 2 provincial universities as an example, through text analysis system of training objectives of the school and special education teacher training, is more intuitive to show the development of teacher training of special education during this period China's evolution and basic characteristics. The fourth chapter, Chinese special education teacher training course of reflection and abroad. For special education teachers in China Training Course for reflection, revealing the experience and problems of special education teacher training in China by comparison, research perspective, the American special education teacher training as mirror of American special education teacher training qualification system, quality guarantee and evaluation system, and College of special education in American N University as an example, from the training objectives, training mode, curriculum and other aspects of interpretation and analysis, summarizes the reform reference value cultivation of special education teachers in China. In the fifth chapter, the path of construction Chinese special education teacher training. This chapter analyzes and elaborates our country in the blend of Chinese and Western culture background, from transplantation to the localization of teacher training of special education, self absorption and combination of development, growth and conflict between Chinese and Western culture under the background of localization, the special education teachers in China to develop new ideas: cultural awakening and care China special education teacher development is the only way which must be passed, improve the professional level of special education teachers is the focus of special education teachers in pre training and post training integration is the trend of the special education teachers qualification certificate system construction is the basic means of special education teachers Teaching ability is an important way to construct the individual "his master - autonomy".



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