

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-22 08:32
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the increasingly obvious economic globalization, the cost of transnational cooperation is decreasing obviously, the trade barriers that existed in the past have been gradually broken down, and the outsourcing of services has come into being. At the same time, along with the division of labor in the financial industry gradually differentiation, in order to adjust the direction of development, save costs, improve their core competitiveness, Chinese banks and other financial enterprises began to contract some financial services to other professional institutions to complete. Therefore, many countries, including China, regard outsourcing of financial services as an important measure to develop foreign economy. As the capital of China and the first representative area of service outsourcing in China, Beijing has begun to grow rapidly, especially in financial services outsourcing, which has a significant role in promoting the local economic growth. Scholars at home and abroad to undertake offshore financial services outsourcing impact factors analysis is less, more from the world's development situation and growth trend perspective to carry out the research. This paper takes offshore financial services outsourcing as the research object, adopts the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical research, taking the related theory and research results of service outsourcing as the starting point, introduces the overall situation of undertaking financial service outsourcing in China. Then combined with the current situation of Beijing to undertake financial services outsourcing, find out the factors that affect its undertaking financial services outsourcing and quantify them, and then use multiple linear regression model to carry out empirical research on them. On this basis, the main influencing factors of Beijing to undertake the outsourcing of financial services are obtained and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. The empirical results show that the impact of labor cost, service trade openness, infrastructure and human capital stock on the outsourcing of financial services in Beijing is significant. And the degree of openness of service trade has the most obvious influence on Beijing to undertake financial service outsourcing, the other three factors take the second place, but the level of scientific research has not passed the significance test.


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