

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-16 09:59
[Abstract]:With the increase of China's new round of opening to the outside world, export trade has become an important economic strategy of our country, which has played an important role in promoting the economic development of our country. However, due to the slow recovery of the world economy, the global trade protectionism is severe. The domestic RMB appreciation, the enterprise cost increase and other unfavorable factors influence, the Baoding city's foreign trade export faces the stern challenge. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the present situation of Baoding's foreign trade export, the existing problems, analyze the causes of the problems and put forward countermeasures. Firstly, this paper analyzes the current situation of Baoding's export from the aspects of export scale, export leading industry, export main market, export commodity structure, etc. Overall, the growth rate of Baoding's export trade shows a downward trend. Processing trade volume continues to rise, mechanical and electrical exports become the main force, emerging market exports continue to rise. Secondly, it is found that there are many problems in the export of Baoding, such as the small volume of export trade, the structure of export commodities to be optimized, the excessive dependence on traditional market, the unreasonable structure of export main body and so on. Finally, in view of the problems existing in the export structure of Baoding City, this paper puts forward the idea of optimizing the export structure, focusing on the pillar industry and the processing trade, accelerating the development of high value-added service industry, and increasing the technical input to cultivate the independent brand. Open up new market, cultivate outstanding foreign trade talented person troop energetically and so on countermeasure suggestion.


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