

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-29 13:53
【摘要】:自改革開放以來,我國逐漸形成了從沿海到沿江沿邊,從東部到中西部的全方位、多層次、寬領(lǐng)域的開放格局。隨著沿邊開放的深入實(shí)施,沿邊開放的重要性與日俱增,國家對其給予了高度重視,黨的十八屆三中全會特別強(qiáng)調(diào)要擴(kuò)大內(nèi)陸沿邊開放,可見沿邊開放已成為我國對外開放中不可或缺的組成部分,但在不斷推進(jìn)我國沿邊開放政策實(shí)施的進(jìn)程中,不難發(fā)現(xiàn)我國的沿邊開放水平普遍較低,我國與周邊國家的進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易在我國對外貿(mào)易中所占的比重小,并且沿邊開放與沿海開放的差距并未縮小。這些問題引起了學(xué)界不同層面的研究,由于我國周邊復(fù)雜的地理形勢,邊界問題引起了學(xué)界的關(guān)注,分析沿邊開放中進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易的邊界效應(yīng)對提升我國的沿邊開放水平意義重大。 本文運(yùn)用貿(mào)易引力模型,分析我國沿邊開放中進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易的邊界效應(yīng),實(shí)證結(jié)果表明我國沿邊開放中存在顯著的邊界屏蔽效應(yīng),我國的國內(nèi)貿(mào)易遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)高于與周邊國家的貿(mào)易,并且邊界對我國與周邊國家出口貿(mào)易的屏蔽強(qiáng)度遠(yuǎn)高于進(jìn)口貿(mào)易,出口貿(mào)易的屏蔽效應(yīng)強(qiáng)度是進(jìn)口貿(mào)易的32倍;考慮基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施后,我國與周邊國家進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易的邊界屏蔽效應(yīng)顯著下降,其中增加的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施變量可以解釋出口貿(mào)易中邊界效應(yīng)下降的87.3%,進(jìn)口貿(mào)易中邊界效應(yīng)下降的94.04%,顯然基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)可以從很大程度上減弱我國沿邊開放中進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易的邊界屏蔽效應(yīng)。進(jìn)一步地,考慮邊界作為我國與周邊國家經(jīng)貿(mào)合作的窗口,分析其在我國與周邊國家的進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易中所帶來的中介效應(yīng),實(shí)證檢驗(yàn)得出我國與周邊國家的進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易中邊界的中介效應(yīng)不強(qiáng),我國與周邊接壤國家的進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易并不明顯優(yōu)于非接壤國家,考慮基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的影響,邊界的中介效應(yīng)并沒有顯著變化,可見在基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)下,是否接壤對我國與周邊國家的進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易沒有顯著影響。 基于實(shí)證分析的基礎(chǔ)上,文中提出通過基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)、創(chuàng)新制度及增加邊民交往來減弱邊界的屏蔽效應(yīng),而通過建立跨境經(jīng)濟(jì)合作區(qū)、沿邊金融綜合改革試驗(yàn)區(qū)及產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)來發(fā)揮邊界的中介效應(yīng),進(jìn)而提升我國的沿邊開放水平。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually formed an all-directional, multi-level and wide-field opening pattern from the coast to the border along the Yangtze River and from the east to the central and western regions. With the deepening implementation of the opening up along the border, the importance of the opening up along the border has increased day by day, and the state has attached great importance to it. The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee especially emphasized the need to expand the opening up of the inland border. It can be seen that border opening has become an indispensable part of China's opening to the outside world, but in the process of continuously promoting the implementation of our border opening policy, it is not difficult to find that the level of border opening in our country is generally low. The import and export trade between China and the neighboring countries accounts for a small proportion in China's foreign trade, and the gap between the border opening and coastal opening has not been narrowed. These problems have aroused different levels of research in academic circles. Due to the complex geographical situation around our country, the boundary issues have attracted the attention of the academic community. It is of great significance to analyze the boundary effect of import and export trade in border opening to improve the border opening level of our country. Using the trade gravity model, this paper analyzes the boundary effect of import and export trade in China's border opening. The empirical results show that there is a significant boundary shielding effect in the border opening of our country, and the domestic trade of our country is far higher than that with the neighboring countries. And the shielding intensity of the border to the export trade between China and the neighboring countries is much higher than that of the import trade, and the shielding effect of the export trade is 32 times of that of the import trade. After considering the infrastructure, the border shielding effect of China's import and export trade with neighboring countries has decreased significantly, and the increased infrastructure variables can explain the decrease of 87.3 percent of the boundary effects in export trade. In the case of the decline of border effect in import trade, it is obvious that infrastructure construction can weaken the border shielding effect of import and export trade in China's border opening to a great extent. Further, considering the border as a window of economic and trade cooperation between China and the neighboring countries, the paper analyzes its intermediary effect in the import and export trade between China and the neighboring countries. The empirical test shows that the border intermediary effect is not strong in the import and export trade between China and the neighboring countries, and the import and export trade between China and the neighboring countries is not obviously superior to that of the non-bordering countries. There is no significant change in the intermediary effect of the border. It can be seen that the border has no significant influence on the import and export trade between China and the neighboring countries under the infrastructure construction. Based on the empirical analysis, the paper proposes to weaken the shielding effect of the border by building infrastructure, innovating the system and increasing the contacts between the border people, while establishing the cross-border economic cooperation zone. The borderline financial comprehensive reform experimental area and the industrial park bring into play the intermediary effect of border, and then improve the level of border opening in our country.


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