

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-25 14:23
[Abstract]:With the rapid economic growth of the autonomous region, the government and various financial institutions have increased their agricultural and animal husbandry policies. Financial support and agricultural and animal husbandry have also made considerable progress. However, it is undeniable that due to the small size of most towns in the autonomous region and the scattered population, At present, the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in most cities and towns is still in a relatively backward state, the financial service is lacking, and the slow growth rate of income of farmers and herdsmen is difficult to run, which restricts the transformation and development of the autonomous region. In this special period, rural finance plays an irreplaceable role in adjusting rural funds, providing rural payment, transfer, cash and other services. Under the circumstance that the territory of Ximeng is sparse and agriculture is in urgent need of transformation and development, traditional financial institutions such as banks, credit unions and so on can no longer meet the growing financial needs of farmers. Internet finance is fragmented because of its light application. It is the inevitable trend of rural financial development that the property of timely financial management permeates the vast rural areas. Therefore, from the perspective of supply and demand, scientific exploration of the development strategy of Internet finance in rural pastoral areas is conducive to alleviating the financial contradictions in the agricultural and pastoral areas of Ximeng and speeding up the development of economic and social transformation in rural pastoral areas. At present, domestic and foreign research on Internet finance is mostly aimed at developed regions, large and medium cities, or a certain aspect. In the later area, the rural population is large, the agriculture and animal husbandry are mixed, the demand is large, and the research literature on the financial demand and Internet financial service of Inner Mongolia grassland towns is still few. On the basis of a comprehensive investigation of the economy, social development and financial development in the agricultural and pastoral areas, this paper investigates the lending behavior of agricultural and pastoral households. From the two aspects of supply and demand, this paper makes a deep analysis and research on the financial services in Ximeng agricultural and pastoral areas, reveals the concentration points of the contradiction between supply and demand at present, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the Internet financial industry and its regional suitability. In order to balance the demand for financial function of rural economic development and the supply of financial function of rural financial system, this paper discusses the effective way to develop Internet financial services which is suitable for the development of Ximeng Association with a view to realizing the balance between the demand for financial function in rural economy development and the supply of financial function in rural financial system. At the same time, to deal with the agricultural and pastoral areas more and more diversified economic main financial needs.


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5 陽e,




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