

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-25 07:25
[Abstract]:Compared with the traditional mode of inter-industry trade between different industries, intra-industry trade has gradually become the mainstream of international trade in recent years. The iron and steel industry of China and Japan has an inestimable position both in their respective countries and in the international steel market. In recent years, the overall level of intra-industry trade between the two countries fluctuated upward. As one of the five major energy-consuming industries in China, the steel industry is also gradually facing the transition in recent years, and intra-industry trade is an effective means to digest the excess capacity of the steel industry. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study it. The factors that affect the intra-industry trade between China and Japan can be considered from the macro level and the micro level, such as macro-scale economy, product differentiation, foreign direct investment, product differentiation, and market size at the micro level. The institutional environment, the difference of per capita national income, the degree of trade openness and the regional economic integration of East Asia all have an impact on it. After further empirical analysis of the above factors, it is found that the technical level has the most important influence on the level of intra-industry trade between China and Japan. We can correspondingly start from macro and micro aspects to rectify our steel industry and related enterprises, including adjusting the industrial layout and product structure, perfecting laws and regulations, attaching importance to environmental protection and energy saving, and integrating the iron and steel industry chain. In order to speed up the transformation and upgrading of China's iron and steel industry, iron and steel enterprises also need to increase their investment in technology research and development, carry out in-depth technological innovation, and learn from foreign advanced management experience in order to choose a suitable industrial development model. To raise the level of intra-industry trade between China and Japan in iron and steel industry and related industries, and to improve the international competitiveness of China's iron and steel products.


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