

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-23 09:29
[Abstract]:In the age of network information, online shopping has gradually become a popular way of shopping because of its convenience. With the development of cross-border ecommerce modules such as Amazon, JingDong's global purchase and Tmall International Mall, cross-border online shopping has been rising in China in recent years, especially among young people. Amazon China's 2016 Cross-border online purchase Trends report shows that cross-border online shopping is becoming more common and more common in China. The mother and child products have become one of the best-selling goods in the cross-border e-commerce market, and are the main driving force for the development of cross-border ecommerce. This study first points out that the market prospect of cross-border mother-child e-commerce in China is broad, but cross-border mother-child e-commerce still has brand trust, cross-border logistics, supply chain integration and user operation problems, etc. These problems affect the development of cross-border mother-to-child e-commerce. Secondly, according to the theory of technology acceptance model, the model is extended to find the safety of perception based on the original basic variables of perception and usefulness. Based on cross-border online shopping experience and cross-border reference group variables, this study establishes a hypothetical model about the willingness of cross-border online shopping of maternal and child supplies; again, it makes use of questionnaires to investigate the data of consumers of maternal and child products. Explore the above factors for maternal and child supplies cross-border online shopping impact. The basic characteristics of questionnaire consumers and the situation of online shopping are analyzed by using SPSS20.0 software, and the basic status of cross-border online shopping for consumers of maternal and child supplies is obtained. The basic hypotheses proposed in this paper are verified by using structural equation model. In the model fitting results and path analysis to verify the impact of each factor, finally, according to the impact of each factor, put forward for B2C cross-border mother-child e-commerce enterprises recommendations. By exploring the effects of five factors, such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security, cross-border online shopping experience and cross-border reference group, on the willingness of cross-border online purchase of maternal and child supplies, it is concluded that these factors are positively related to cross-border purchase willingness of maternal and child supplies. On the basis of the above conclusions, the paper puts forward some suggestions for the management of cross-border mother-and-child e-commerce enterprises, including: paying attention to the influence of cross-border reference groups on consumer groups, giving play to the role of opinion leaders, improving the safety of cross-border consumer online shopping; Optimize the cross-border shopping experience; simplify the shopping process; increase consumer repeat purchase rate, increase consumer cross-border online shopping experience.


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