

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-19 19:56
【摘要】:展覽業(yè)集政治、經(jīng)濟、科技、商業(yè)于一體,不僅具有帶動地方發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟效益,還有提升城市的知名度、促進城市基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)、提高城市文明素質(zhì)等社會效益,因此展覽業(yè)越來越受到地方政府的青睞。政府主導(dǎo)型展會作為中國特有的類型,往往借助一定的財政資金保障,不但提升了展會的整體影響力,而且為地區(qū)展覽業(yè)的發(fā)展提供了強大動力。但同時應(yīng)當(dāng)看到有些政府主導(dǎo)型展會辦展效果并不十分理想,耗費了大量的人力、物力和財力,卻達不到預(yù)期效果,展會管理過程中存在展會審批管理的多頭與無序、行政辦展色彩濃厚、專業(yè)化程度不高、政府管理錯位等問題,人們開始質(zhì)疑,政府主導(dǎo)型展會現(xiàn)行管理模式是否符合市場經(jīng)濟發(fā)展規(guī)律,是否會影響展會市場運作和企業(yè)正常經(jīng)營。隨著政府主導(dǎo)型展會發(fā)展遇到的瓶頸問題凸顯,許多學(xué)者也不斷地對相關(guān)問題進行研究并提出對策,但是以前的研究成果主要關(guān)注對展覽業(yè)的特點等方面研究,本文以我國政府主導(dǎo)型展會為研究對象,從近年來政府主導(dǎo)型展會的數(shù)量、規(guī)模、主要形式等方面著手,準確把握政府主導(dǎo)型展會的現(xiàn)狀和本質(zhì),深入分析政府主導(dǎo)型展會的積極作用及存在問題。企業(yè)型政府理論相對于傳統(tǒng)的政府管理理論具有符合時代要求的先進之處,以企業(yè)家精神為核心,重視戰(zhàn)略的思考和長期性的規(guī)劃,注重分權(quán)的管理理念,. 關(guān)注成本和效率關(guān)系,有使命感責(zé)任心,強調(diào)顧客導(dǎo)向,相信市場的力量,主張在公共服務(wù)中引入競爭機制,促進鼓勵更多組織參與到公共服務(wù)供應(yīng)商中來,依靠自由競爭進一步提高資源的使用效率。本文在相關(guān)研究基礎(chǔ)上,從企業(yè)型政府理論視角等新公共管理領(lǐng)域相關(guān)理論,通過G市物流展案例分析,借鑒國內(nèi)外展會發(fā)展方面的有益經(jīng)驗,立足我國國情實際,對進一步完善創(chuàng)新我國政府主導(dǎo)型展會管理,推動展覽業(yè)持續(xù)健康發(fā)展進行研究。在政府主導(dǎo)型展會的管理中應(yīng)當(dāng)加強宏觀調(diào)控,理順管理體制,完善政府與市場分工;轉(zhuǎn)變管理方式,改善公共服務(wù)水平;明確自身定位,轉(zhuǎn)變評價方式。同時應(yīng)當(dāng)完善相關(guān)政策,健全相關(guān)法律法規(guī);引入競爭機制推進展會市場化進程,充分發(fā)揮社會組織作用,優(yōu)化展覽業(yè)營商環(huán)境。
[Abstract]:The exhibition industry, which integrates politics, economy, science and technology, and commerce, has not only the economic benefits of driving local development, but also the social benefits of raising the visibility of the city, promoting the construction of urban infrastructure, and improving the quality of the city's civilization. Therefore, the exhibition industry is more and more favored by local governments. As a special type of exhibition in China, the government-led exhibition, with the help of certain financial guarantee, not only enhances the overall influence of the exhibition, but also provides a powerful impetus for the development of the regional exhibition industry. But at the same time, we should see that some government-led exhibitions do not have very good results, and they cost a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, but they do not achieve the expected results. In the course of the exhibition management, there is a variety and disorder in the examination and approval management of exhibitions. People begin to question whether the current management mode of government-led exhibition conforms to the law of market economy development, because of the strong color of the administrative exhibition, the low degree of specialization, the dislocation of government management, and so on. Whether will affect the fair market operation and the normal operation of enterprises. With the bottleneck of the government-led exhibition, many scholars have studied the related problems and put forward countermeasures. However, previous research results mainly focus on the characteristics of the exhibition industry and other aspects of research. This article takes our country government leading exhibition as the research object, from the government leading exhibition quantity, the scale, the main form and so on aspect in recent years, accurately grasps the present situation and the essence of the government leading exhibition. Deeply analyze the positive role and existing problems of the government-led exhibition. Compared with the traditional government management theory, the enterprise-oriented government theory is advanced in accordance with the requirements of the times. It takes entrepreneurship as the core, attaches importance to strategic thinking and long-term planning, and pays attention to the management concept of decentralization. Focusing on the relationship between cost and efficiency, having a sense of mission responsibility, emphasizing customer orientation, believing in market forces, advocating the introduction of competitive mechanisms in public services, and promoting the encouragement of more organizations to participate in public service providers, Rely on free competition to further improve the efficiency of the use of resources. On the basis of relevant research, from the perspective of enterprise government theory and other related theories in the field of new public management, through the case analysis of G city logistics exhibition, this paper draws lessons from the beneficial experience in the development of domestic and foreign exhibitions, and bases itself on the actual situation of our country. To further improve and innovate the government-led exhibition management, promote the sustainable and healthy development of exhibition industry. In the management of the government-led exhibition, we should strengthen macro-control, straighten out the management system, perfect the division of labor between the government and the market, change the management mode, improve the level of public service, define the position of ourselves and change the evaluation mode. At the same time, we should perfect the relevant policies, perfect the relevant laws and regulations, introduce the competition mechanism to promote the market process of the exhibition, give full play to the role of the social organization, and optimize the business environment of the exhibition industry.


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