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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-24 23:25

  本文選題:通貨膨脹 + 慣性系數(shù) ; 參考:《南京財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Inflation is an important indicator to reflect the state of macroeconomic operation and relates to the stability of the whole national economy and the condition of the national standard of living. How to manage and manage inflation well and guide the reasonable fluctuation of prices, It has always been a big problem for the monetary authorities. The research on the dynamic characteristics of inflation and the effect of monetary policy has also been the focus of academic attention, one of which is the study of inflation inertia. Inflation inertia has an important influence on the effect of monetary policy regulation and control, which is directly related to the social cost of the central bank's anti-inflation policy. This paper innovatively divides the formation mechanism of inflation inertia from the angle of the origin of inflation inertia: the intrinsic inflation inertia based on the mechanism of wage and price determination, and the expected inflation inertia based on inflation expectation. Based on the external inflation inertia influenced by the macroeconomic environment, by reviewing the development course of the Phillips curve, the core theory of inflation, Taking the mixed new Keynesian Phillips curve as the theoretical basis of inflation inertia analysis; introducing the various measures of inflation inertia and their advantages and disadvantages; from the development of monetary quantity theory, This paper analyzes the relationship between inflation inertia and monetary policy from the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, and determines that the output level and money supply are the important intermediate variables influencing inflation inertia and monetary policy adjustment. It is also the theoretical basis of the empirical analysis of the impact of output and money supply on inflation. The dynamic autoregressive model (ARM) is used to estimate the inflation inertia in the sample interval (1996-2013), and the dynamic variation of the inflation inertia in the whole sample interval is analyzed by using the sample estimation method of the rolling interval. Combining the methods of Quandt-Andrews unknown breakpoint test and Zou test to analyze the structural changes of the model, to further study the change characteristics of inflation inertia before and after breakpoint, to use VAR model to analyze the impact of output and money supply on inflation. This paper analyzes the influence of economic growth and money supply growth on inflation inertia from the aspect of intensity and time of impulse response, and compares the actual output gap with inflation historical data, and gives the reference of the timing of monetary policy adjustment. Through empirical analysis, it is concluded that inflation inertia has always been at a high level in China, and inflation inertia has changed in structure at the end of 2003, and has decreased obviously in recent years. Thanks to the marketization of China's price mechanism and the improvement of the transparency of monetary policy, the impact of money supply on inflation is relatively obvious, and it will produce a lag effect lasting for more than two years. It shows that the monetary policy can effectively control inflation by changing the money supply, but the monetary policy should be implemented more than one year ahead of schedule, in order to achieve an ideal effect of restraining inflation; The impact of economic growth on inflation is relatively weak, the impact of economic growth rate can last more than one year will have a certain degree of impact on prices, but not necessarily bring serious inflation; The historical data of output gap and inflation should be taken into account in determining the adjustment of monetary policy in order to ensure the realization of the double goals of economic growth and price stability.


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