

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-23 22:58

  本文選題:商業(yè)信用 + 現(xiàn)金持有量 ; 參考:《天津財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The decision-making of cash holdings is one of the most important issues in cash management, both in theory and practice, because it not only affects the normal operation of enterprises, but also has a close relationship with the investment and financing behaviors of enterprises. It affects the management strategy of the whole enterprise. With the increasing importance of cash holding decision, Chinese and western scholars pay more and more attention to the empirical study of cash holding, in order to better guide the practical operation. On the other hand, the commercial credit financing formed between enterprises is a feasible alternative mechanism of bank credit under the circumstance of financing constraint, which not only widens the financing channels of enterprises, but also accelerates the capital turnover of enterprises. Therefore, commercial credit affects the decision of cash holdings. In addition, the sensitivity of enterprises in different areas of bank credit level is different, and the pledge policy of accounts receivable can be used as a reflection of bank credit level. Therefore, it is very meaningful to study the influence of commercial credit on cash holdings and the effect of bank credit level on both theory and practice. Based on the current situation of commercial credit use and cash holding of listed companies in China and the special banking credit system environment, this paper starts from the two main lines of commercial credit and bank credit level. Based on the theoretical analysis of commercial credit and cash holdings, this paper makes an empirical study on the relationship among commercial credit, bank credit level and cash holdings by constructing a model of commercial credit and cash holdings. Firstly, the paper expounds the trade-off theory, financing order theory, credit rationing theory and transaction cost theory, and then discusses the relationship between commercial credit and cash holdings, respectively. The influence of bank credit level and accounts receivable pledge policy on cash holdings and the sensitivity of cash holdings to cash holdings are studied by adding two virtual variables related party transactions and state-owned holding. Finally, it is pointed out that accounts receivable and payables in commercial credit have an asymmetric effect on cash holdings, and in areas with high bank credit level, enterprises will hold less cash to cope with the payables. At the same time, receivables can replace more cash.


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