

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-17 15:38
[Abstract]:Six Sigma is a kind of implementation principle and technology that can improve the quality of enterprise process management strictly and efficiently. In essence, it is to try hard to provide perfect, high level service and reduce the bad quality cost of the enterprise at the same time. With the successful application of six Sigma management in Dell, Motorola and other multinational enterprises, it has evolved from a simple concept of process optimization into a philosophy of management. It is not only a standard to measure the ability of business process, but also a set of methods to optimize business process, and then become a strategy to deal with the dynamic competition environment, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, and achieve long-term success. Blending ore is one of the important raw materials for sintering production. Since Shougang Jingtang Company put into production in 2009, the quality of mixed ore has made a qualitative leap, which has made a great contribution to stabilizing the quality of sinter. From the second half of 2013 to 2014, the company's business strategy requires the maximum consumption of solid waste containing iron. Because of its unstable composition, solid waste has a great negative effect on the quality of mixed ore and has affected the sintering production. The voice of improving the quality of mixed ore is increasing day by day. In this paper, the six Sigma management method is used to analyze and solve the problems existing in the process of blending ore production. The main contents include: investigating the production process and product quality index of blending ore, collecting TFE stability data, The quality control method is analyzed and the existing problems are clarified. The function and content of six Sigma management are systematically studied, and the six Sigma management method is chosen as the quality improvement method, and the concrete work plan is worked out. Then according to the six Sigma management implementation steps (definition, measurement, analysis, improvement, control) research and analysis of the mixed ore production quality problems, put forward suggestions for improvement and implementation. Finally, the effect of six Sigma management is evaluated, and the prospect of applying six Sigma management method in Shougang Jingtang Company is discussed. The application of six Sigma management not only improves the TFE stability of blending ore, but also promotes the overall improvement of raw material management level, and also provides experience accumulation for the further implementation of six Sigma management method in the company.


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3 馬煜R,




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