

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-16 17:40
【摘要】:M公司是中國石油天然氣第六建設公司在咸陽的石化工程建設項目部。多年來,,公司在日常及年終績效考核中,主要是以項目施工數(shù)量化指標為主進行考核,并未涉及更為全面的考核指標。對于一個以項目施工為主的公司來說,存在諸多現(xiàn)實問題。 本文首先進行了文獻綜述,并在介紹了M公司實際情況的基礎上,分析了M公司目前的績效考核體系存在的四個方面的實際問題:(1)績效考核隨意性較大;(2)績效考核指標不明確;(3)績效考核方法和崗位工作結(jié)合不緊密;(4)績效考核結(jié)果應用效果不佳等,繼而分析了存在問題的原因;然后,以M公司崗位職責為依據(jù),詳細而明確地識別確定了七大職能管理部門各個崗位的KPI指標,并切實結(jié)合M公司項目施工管理工作實際,給出了各個KPI指標的評價計算方法。接著,以M公司2013年的年終考核基礎數(shù)據(jù)為考核依據(jù),進行了各部門各個崗位的虛擬考核,并就考核結(jié)果和公司2013年的實際考核結(jié)果進行了對比;比較深入地分析了新設計的KPI考核體系和公司原有考核方法的不同和進步之處。最后,總結(jié)了論文的研究結(jié)果。 本論文的研究工作對于M公司的員工績效考核工作是一種比較符合實際、具備較強可操作性的實踐應用成果。
[Abstract]:M Company is the Petrochemical Construction Project Department of the sixth Construction Company of CNPC in Xianyang. Over the years, the company in the daily and year-end performance appraisal, mainly based on the project construction quantitative indicators for assessment, not involving more comprehensive assessment indicators. For a project construction-based company, there are many practical problems. Based on the introduction of the actual situation of M Company, this paper analyzes the four practical problems in the current performance appraisal system of M Company: (1) the randomness of performance appraisal; (2) the performance appraisal index is not clear; (3) the performance appraisal method is not closely combined with the post work; (4) the result of the performance appraisal is not good, and then the reason of the existing problems is analyzed. The KPI indexes of each post of seven functional management departments are identified in detail and clearly, and the evaluation and calculation methods of each KPI index are given in combination with the actual project construction management work of M Company. Then, based on the basic data of M company's year-end assessment in 2013, the virtual assessment of various positions in various departments is carried out, and the results are compared with the actual results of the company in 2013. The difference and progress of the newly designed KPI examination system and the company's original assessment methods are analyzed in depth. Finally, the research results are summarized. The research work of this paper is a practical and practical result for employee performance appraisal of M Company.


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