

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-14 22:21

  本文選題:汽車行業(yè) + 新生代銷售人員; 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:知識經(jīng)濟(jì)時(shí)代,競爭日益激烈,如何在競爭中持續(xù)健康發(fā)展是企業(yè)一直不斷探索的話題,可采取的措施有很多,但企業(yè)人力資源開發(fā)與管理是基本的途徑和手段,是企業(yè)生存及發(fā)展的重要條件。汽車銷售行業(yè)的競爭也非常殘酷,近幾年我國汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)在數(shù)量和規(guī)模上都呈現(xiàn)了驚人的增長速度,各汽車品牌都在不同的細(xì)分市場上進(jìn)行著發(fā)展與競爭,銷售人員在公司的業(yè)績增長中起著重要的關(guān)鍵作用。目前這群銷售人員大多數(shù)都是80后、90后人群,具有自主意識強(qiáng)、喜歡獨(dú)立思考、流動率高等特點(diǎn),如何真正滿足他們的需求進(jìn)而采取有效的激勵(lì)措施來提高工作績效,是當(dāng)今汽車銷售公司想要持續(xù)快速發(fā)展和擁有核心競爭力重點(diǎn)考慮的問題,進(jìn)行這方面相關(guān)研究也具有重大的研究意義。 本文針對汽車行業(yè)新生代銷售人員這一特定行業(yè)新生代銷售群體,從心理契約理論視角,通過實(shí)證分析,探索該行業(yè)新生代人員心理契約內(nèi)容、維度構(gòu)成等,目的是找出汽車這一行業(yè)新生代銷售人員更需要和重視哪一個(gè)維度的激勵(lì),以便根據(jù)實(shí)證結(jié)果提出對策建議,進(jìn)而采取更明確的激勵(lì)路徑和激勵(lì)措施提升激勵(lì)效果。首先,通過理論學(xué)習(xí)和文獻(xiàn)綜述,界定了新生代人員的概念和特點(diǎn),及新生代人員激勵(lì)研究現(xiàn)狀;其次,通過設(shè)計(jì)問卷、發(fā)放問卷及對問卷數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行回收分析,驗(yàn)證汽車行業(yè)新生代銷售人員心理契約維度類型,并進(jìn)行多方面深入分析;最后,通過對實(shí)證結(jié)果進(jìn)行深入分析,提出系統(tǒng)的激勵(lì)管理策略。 通過研究及實(shí)證分析,本文得到如下結(jié)論: (1)實(shí)證研究結(jié)果驗(yàn)證了汽車行業(yè)新生代銷售人員的心理契約可以劃分為交易維度、關(guān)系維度和發(fā)展維度三個(gè)維度。同時(shí)從重要性排列,關(guān)系型維度的重要性最高,發(fā)展型和交易型維度重要性相近,均比關(guān)系型維度低。從各維度細(xì)分組成項(xiàng)目來看,交易維度重要性排在前三位的項(xiàng)目是基本工資合理、績效工資合理和工作環(huán)境舒適;關(guān)系型維度重要性排在前三位的項(xiàng)目是人際關(guān)系良好、信任尊重員工及公司注重團(tuán)隊(duì)合作;發(fā)展型維度重要性排在前三位的項(xiàng)目是公司提供培訓(xùn)學(xué)習(xí)、能崗匹配、晉升機(jī)制完善。因此,汽車銷售公司要加強(qiáng)關(guān)系型維度方面的激勵(lì)措施,并重視交易型維度和發(fā)展型維度中排在前幾位的項(xiàng)目的激勵(lì)。 (2)汽車行業(yè)新生代銷售人員心理契約交易維度、關(guān)系維度和發(fā)展維度三個(gè)維度滿意度調(diào)查中,關(guān)系型維度滿意度高于發(fā)展型維度,發(fā)展型維度滿意度高于交易型維度。從各維度細(xì)分組成項(xiàng)目的滿意度來看,關(guān)系型維度滿意度排在最后三位的項(xiàng)目是工作穩(wěn)定有保障、公司溝通渠道完善良好、關(guān)心員工生活;發(fā)展型維度滿意度排在最后三位的項(xiàng)目是對員工進(jìn)行普通培訓(xùn)、注重員工職業(yè)發(fā)展、晉升機(jī)制完善;交易型維度滿意度排在最高的項(xiàng)目是福利待遇更有吸引力、基本工資合理、薪酬福利公平。因此,汽車銷售公司要重視滿意度低的交易型維度各項(xiàng)內(nèi)容,并重點(diǎn)加強(qiáng)各維度中滿意度排在最后幾位的項(xiàng)目內(nèi)容。 (3)運(yùn)用方差分析方法,本文分析了汽車行業(yè)新生代銷售人員的學(xué)歷、性別、出生年代、工作年限及職位五個(gè)方面對員工心理契約的影響。經(jīng)分析,不同學(xué)歷對心理契約關(guān)系維度存在顯著差異,大專以下學(xué)歷、大專學(xué)歷、本科學(xué)歷均值顯著高于碩士及以上學(xué)歷均值;其他方面對心理契約各維度的影響不存在顯著差異。說明在汽車新生代銷售人員中,除了不同學(xué)歷的人對關(guān)系維度需求有差異外,所有人在心理契約各維度需求上不具有差異性,公司目前無需對這一人群進(jìn)一步細(xì)分,無需采取更加細(xì)分的激勵(lì)策略。 根據(jù)上述研究,本文創(chuàng)新點(diǎn)主要可以歸納為兩方面:專注對汽車行業(yè)銷售人員中的“新生代”人員的激勵(lì)機(jī)制和策略進(jìn)行研究,以便使企業(yè)對這一逐漸成為主力軍的人群更加了解,采取更有針對性的激勵(lì)措施;從心理契約視角研究汽車行業(yè)銷售人員激勵(lì)問題,更符合新生代銷售人員顯性和隱性同時(shí)存在的激勵(lì)需求,為汽車銷售行業(yè)激勵(lì)新生代銷售人員提供一個(gè)新的激勵(lì)視角和思路。
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, competition is increasingly fierce. How to keep healthy development in competition is the topic that enterprises have been exploring constantly. There are many measures to be taken. However, the development and management of human resources are the basic ways and means, and the important conditions for the survival and development of enterprises. The number and scale of the automobile industry in China have shown an astonishing growth rate. All the automobile brands are developing and competing in different subdivision markets. The sales staff play an important role in the growth of the company's performance. At present, most of the sales personnel are after 80 and the post-90s, with self-consciousness and independence. Thinking, the characteristics of high flow rate, how to truly meet their needs and take effective incentives to improve work performance is the problem that the automobile sales companies want to continue to develop rapidly and have the core competitiveness, and the relevant research in this field is also of great significance.
This paper, aiming at the new generation sales group of the new generation sales personnel in the automobile industry, explores the contents and dimensions of the psychological contract of the new generation of personnel from the perspective of psychological contract theory and through the empirical analysis. The purpose is to find out the motivation of the new generation sales personnel in this industry. According to the empirical results, we put forward the countermeasures and suggestions, and then adopt a more clear incentive path and incentive measures to improve the incentive effect. First, through theoretical study and literature review, it defines the concept and characteristics of the new generation of personnel, and the research status of the new generation of personnel incentive. Secondly, through the design questionnaire, the questionnaire and the questionnaire data are returned. In order to verify the psychological contract dimension type of the new generation sales personnel of the automobile industry, and carry on the in-depth analysis of many aspects. Finally, through the in-depth analysis of the empirical results, the system's incentive management strategy is put forward.
Through research and empirical analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) the results of the empirical study verify that the psychological contract of the new generation sales personnel of the automobile industry can be divided into three dimensions, such as transaction dimension, relationship dimension and development dimension. At the same time, the importance of the relation dimension is the highest, the importance of the relationship dimension is the highest, and the importance of the development type and the transaction type is close, which is lower than the relational dimension. According to the project, the first three items of the transaction dimension are reasonable in basic wages, reasonable in performance and in work environment, and in the first three projects of relational dimension are good in interpersonal relationships, trust and respect for employees and the company's emphasis on team cooperation; the first three projects in the development dimension are the company. Providing training, learning, matching, and improving the promotion mechanism. Therefore, the auto sales company should strengthen the incentive measures of the relational dimension, and attach importance to the incentive of the first few projects in the transaction dimension and the development dimension.
(2) the psychological contract transaction dimension of the new generation sales personnel of the auto industry, the relationship dimension and the development dimension of the three dimension satisfaction survey, the relational dimension satisfaction is higher than the development dimension, the development dimension satisfaction is higher than the transaction dimension. From the degree of satisfaction of the components of each dimension, the degree of satisfaction of relational dimension ranks in the last three. The project is the work stability and the guarantee, the company communication channel is perfect, caring about the staff life; the last three projects of the development dimension satisfaction are the general training for the employees, the professional development of the employees, the perfect promotion mechanism, and the highest degree of satisfaction of the transaction dimension satisfaction, which is more attractive and basic. The salary is reasonable and the remuneration and welfare are fair. Therefore, the car sales company should attach importance to the content of the low degree of satisfaction of the transaction dimension, and focus on the content of the final number of the degree of satisfaction in each dimension.
(3) using the analysis of variance analysis, this paper analyzes the influence of five aspects of the diploma, sex, birth age, working life and position on the psychological contract of the employees of the new generation sales staff of the automobile industry. There is no significant difference in the influence of other aspects on the various dimensions of psychological contract. It shows that in the new generation of automobile sales personnel, there is no difference in the needs of the psychological contract, except for the differences in the demand for the relationship dimension between the different educated people, and the company does not need to enter this group at present. Step subdivision, no need to take a more subdivision of the incentive strategy.
According to the above research, the innovation point of this article can be summed up in two aspects: focus on the incentive mechanism and strategy of the "new generation" of the sales personnel of the automobile industry, so that the enterprise can know more about the people who gradually become the main force, take more targeted incentives, and study from the perspective of psychological contract. The incentive problem of the sales staff in the automobile industry is more in line with the explicit and implicit incentive demand of the new generation sales staff, and provides a new incentive perspective and ideas for the auto sales industry to motivate the new generation sales staff.



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