

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-06 21:41

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:對四川省屏山縣書樓鎮(zhèn)農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)園農(nóng)地租賃經(jīng)營的調(diào)查研究 出處:《西南政法大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 土地流轉(zhuǎn) 農(nóng)地出租 農(nóng)地經(jīng)營 農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)園

[Abstract]:Sichuan library is located in the town of Sichuan Yunnan Province Pingshan County at the junction of Yibin City, Sichuan province. Since 2012, the town area of new town make full use of their own advantages, seize the Wumengshan million contiguous poverty alleviation and development and immigration to support the whole village construction development opportunities, and actively carry out land transfer work. Through the integration of the land resources. The farmer scattered plots together, unified external overall rental, the development of vegetable industry park now, longan industrial park, purple romanetii Industrial Park 1, a total circulation of more than 1200 acres of land. The investigation to the town as an example, the basic situation of the agricultural industrial park for field investigations, to understand the development status land rent and agricultural industrial park. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part, combing the basic survey report data and information, mainly introduces the basic situation of shulou town agricultural development, land flow Turn the basic situation (including the land transfer procedures and transfer characteristics), the development of Agricultural Industrial Park and the local impact on the local economy and the income of the farmers. In the second part, based on the whole process of agricultural industrial park development, from the land to the project construction, to product sales, separately from the government, the village collective and farmers. The company and other subjects to experience specific analysis of the agricultural shulou Town Industrial Park project. There are four useful experience. One is in the process of development of Agricultural Industrial Park, in the project, land transfer, coordination, the government plays an important role in promoting the development of Industrial Park, the project is two. The local land transfer process accords with the legal norms and policy requirements, giving full play to its role in the village collective, the village committee organization law and the rules of procedure of the village, held a village meeting to ensure farmers' flat Such voluntary premise actively promote the scale of land rental cost is three. The village of the village collective farmers after the authorization signed a unified land lease contract with the lessee, in terms of basic land rent, direct every two years rent a better safeguard farmers get the land value-added benefits. The four is to introduce foreign capital into the local land leasing market, the establishment of industrial park to carry out large-scale operations, the enterprises prefer to hire local villagers to carry out agricultural production, increase the income of the villagers. In the third part, problems in land leasing and construction in the development of the main analysis of the local agricultural industrial park project. One is the farmers do not understand the relevant laws and regulations and in the concentration of land policy initiative weak rental process, greater dependence on government and village committee, almost no understanding of the latest national agricultural policy is the two. The land circulation mainly rely on policy support and promote local government, no spontaneous circulation market, the lack of transfer service platform. The three is in the process of soliciting the villagers' willingness to transfer, the villagers have doubts for being unwilling to transfer or, in the ideological work is not doing enough to fine, the existence of individual forced rental situation. The four is the lack of agricultural industrial park related facilities, especially in the park facilities and road construction, affect the pace of development of industrial park. The five is land farming phenomenon, the area of cultivation greatly exceed the circulation area, limiting the expansion of the local scale of land circulation. In the fourth part, in view of the existing agricultural industrial park development process problems in the corresponding shulou town the suggestions. One is to strengthen the laws and regulations of the state agricultural policy and legal publicity, so that the village cadres are familiar with the relevant provisions, so that farmers understand the national policy. The two is the drum Encourage farmers spontaneous transfer of land, promoting the land circulation market, build a service platform. The three is to strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the state, carry out the work of land circulation in accordance with legal procedures, and pay attention to the basic working methods and details, to protect the land rights of farmers. The four is the construction of supporting facilities and strong industrial park, to provide the impetus for the development of the park and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of products. The five is to proceed from the rural social security environment, expand the existing social security coverage, improve the social security level, to solve the farmers to transfer land. This research report menace from the rear is constructed on the basis of field investigation and interview. Attached five reports, namely the shulou Town Agricultural Service Center, library West Town Village village, the villagers land rent, the tenant, shulou town credit cooperatives for the interview.



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