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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-13 20:51

  本文選題:新教材 + 雙語小學(xué); 參考:《新疆師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Teaching material is the core teaching material and the main resource and tool of teaching. Since 2011, Foreign language Teaching and Research Press has revised the textbook based on the newly promulgated English Curriculum Standards for Full-time compulsory Education (2011 Edition). In 2013, the textbook was tested in Urumqi Elementary School. It has not yet been popularized throughout Xinjiang. Urumqi is in a pluralistic region. It is a city of 47 ethnic minorities living in a multi-ethnic, multicultural city. Almost all of the 68 bilingual primary schools in seven districts and one county use the New Standard English textbook. What is the adaptation of the new textbooks (hereinafter referred to as the new textbooks) in Urumqi Bilingual Primary School? What is the overall adaptability of bilingual primary school teachers and students to the new textbooks? Are there any differences in the adaptability of ethnic teachers and students between bilingual primary schools and Han nationality teachers and students to the new textbooks? Through the investigation and analysis of the adaptability of the new textbooks in Urumqi Bilingual Primary School, the purpose of this study is to understand the adaptation status of the new textbooks in Urumqi Bilingual Primary School. This paper probes into the reasons why teachers and students in bilingual primary schools have different adaptations to the new textbooks, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for textbook editors, relevant education departments and teachers, so as to further improve the adaptability of the textbooks in Urumqi bilingual primary schools. For the teaching materials in other areas of Xinjiang to promote and develop well. This paper adopts the methods of literature review, questionnaire survey, interview and so on. According to the needs of our own research content, we modify and design the questionnaire based on the relevant research questionnaires. By testing the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, the author has finally confirmed the questionnaire of adaptability evaluation of the New Standard English textbook in Urumqi Bilingual Primary School. To ensure the validity of the sample, questionnaires were conducted on different types of bilingual primary schools. And in view of the questions that need to be further explored in the questionnaire, in-depth interviews are carried out. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: teachers and students have higher overall evaluation of the adaptability of the new teaching materials, and there is no difference in the average scores of the teachers' adaptability to the new textbooks among different nationalities and teaching years. There is no difference in the average scores of the students' adaptability to the new textbooks in different types of schools, the differences in the average scores of the teachers' adaptability to the new textbooks in different types of schools, and the differences in the dimensions of students' development and teachers' level. The average score of the Han pupils was higher than that of the ethnic pupils, and the average score of the female students was higher than that of the boys in the dimension of students' development. In a word, through investigation and research, this paper analyzes the adaptability factors of the new textbooks in Urumqi Bilingual Primary School, and puts forward two suggestions to the textbook editors: strengthening the regularity of the grammar arrangement system, reducing the grammatical difficulty, integrating the content of the textbooks, Improve the quality of language materials. This paper puts forward two suggestions to the relevant education departments: in other areas of Xinjiang, where the conditions are the same as Urumqi, the promotion of teaching materials is gradually realized, and the help between different types of bilingual primary schools is strengthened to realize the sharing of resources. Three suggestions are put forward to teachers: to strengthen the analysis of students' needs, to pay more attention to the English learning of minority pupils and boys, to pay attention to teaching strategies, and to strengthen the practical experience of ethnic primary school students in learning English. Strengthen the reading and grasp of teaching materials, better achieve the maximum effect of teaching materials.


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