

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-13 17:09

  本文選題:數(shù)與運(yùn)算 + 拉薩市藏族小學(xué)生; 參考:《西藏大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Whether at home or abroad, the language component of mathematics is paid more and more attention in mathematics teaching. All kinds of mathematics activities in teaching are based on mathematical language to express and exchange mathematical ideas. On the other hand, mathematical content should be communicated through mathematical language. Therefore, the degree of mastery of mathematics language will affect the students' mathematics achievement. Many researches on mathematical language at home and abroad show that many problems in mathematical language are one of the reasons for students' difficulty in learning mathematics. The mathematical language includes written language, graphic language, symbolic language, number and operation is a special symbolic language, this research results inspired the author to study Lhasa 1-3 grades of Tibetan pupils number and arithmetic learning interest. On the basis of interview and reading related literature, the author finds that the learning of numbers and operations of Tibetan pupils is generally difficult. In practical teaching, such difficult assignments often occur:'a fish weighs 2 minutes, a child weighs 30 grams, 8 is 8, 1 is 7, 40 is 41, and Hua Hua is three years older than Jingjing, in five years' time. Hua Hua is 8 years older than Jingjing. " Such an absurd result is ironic. The author believes that the present situation of the number and operation of the Tibetan pupils in grades 1-3 in Lhasa is studied, and the main problems in the learning of the number and operation of the pupils in grades 1-3 in Lhasa are found, which will be beneficial to the improvement of the learning of the number and operation of the Tibetan pupils in Lhasa. And improve math scores. By using literature, questionnaire and interview, the present situation of the number and operation of Tibetan primary schools in grade 1-3 in Lhasa was investigated and analyzed by taking the students of each class of grade 1-3 in a key primary school and a general primary school in Lhasa as samples. Conclusion: 1) on the whole, the students' performance in number and operation understanding is not good. (there is no significant difference in the performance of all subjects in grade. / 3) specific to each dimension and grade: the best dimension of grade one is to understand the four principles. Then solve the problem in turn, understand the quantity, understand the size of the number, understand the meaning of the number. The second grade is the best in the sense of understanding the number, then the understanding of the four principles and understanding the size of the number, and finally to solve the problem. The best dimension of third grade is to understand the meaning of numbers, then to understand the size of numbers, to understand the four principles, to understand the number, and the lowest to solve the problem is to solve the problem. Then understand the four principles, understand the size of the number, understand the number, and finally solve the problem. The problems reflected are: (1) there are problems in students' understanding of mathematical language, which is manifested in students' confusion of symbolic language and their lack of understanding of written language. 2) students have problems with the conversion of mathematical language. It is manifested in the conversion of picture language and digital symbol language, the conversion of character language and digital symbol language, the conversion of quantity unit and the formation of conversion consciousness) the students have problems in the application of number and operation. This is manifested in the disconnection between the knowledge learned and the practical application, and the inability to understand the practical meaning of the number in the specific life situation. This paper puts forward the following suggestions: pay attention to the teaching of mathematical language understanding, pay attention to the teaching of mathematical language conversion; Students' advice on how to actively participate in the study of mathematical language and pay attention to "listening, speaking, reading and writing".


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