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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-19 00:53

  本文選題:金融衍生工具 + 套期保值 ; 參考:《上海交通大學(xué)》2012年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Since the birth of financial derivatives, it has made rapid development in the world, and the volume of transactions has increased exponentially. Although the 2008 international financial crisis has made people realize the risk and damage of financial derivatives, as an important tool of hedging, financial derivatives also provide investors with diversified options for hedging and risk management. Financial derivatives are also getting more and more attention of enterprises. After China's entry into WTO, more and more enterprises begin to go abroad, the total amount of national import and export trade also increases year by year, and the foreign exchange reserve has exceeded 3 trillion US dollars. In the economic globalization, financial internationalization today, the country will gradually liberalize the derivative financial instruments market. How to effectively use derivative financial instruments to avoid risks and hedge becomes a subject that Chinese enterprises must face. Compared with western mature markets, the development of derivative financial instruments in China is relatively backward, and enterprises lack experience. Therefore, this paper aims at how to use derivative financial instruments to improve their own financial benefits, through the introduction of the basic concepts, characteristics and risks of derivative financial instruments, as well as the application of the case study. This paper discusses the methods and strategies for enterprises to use derivative financial instruments for hedging, speculative arbitrage, tax reduction, cost reduction and value discovery, and analyzes the risks of enterprises using derivative financial instruments, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. The specific chapters are arranged as follows: the first chapter is an introduction, mainly introduces the purpose, background and significance of the topic. At the same time, the domestic and foreign theoretical studies involved in this paper are introduced. The second chapter is the introduction of derivative financial instruments, mainly according to the classification of derivative financial instruments, the concept, characteristics and basic theory of different types of derivative financial instruments are introduced. The paper mainly introduces exchange rate derivatives and interest rate derivatives, and analyzes the market, scale and structure of international derivative financial instruments. The third chapter analyzes the status quo of Chinese enterprises using derivative financial instruments, mainly analyzes the development and present situation of Chinese financial derivatives market, and analyzes the present situation of Chinese enterprises using derivative financial instruments. The fourth chapter is an empirical analysis of the practical application of financial derivatives in enterprises, mainly on the main functions and operation methods of financial derivatives. This paper mainly introduces the practical application of foreign exchange and interest rate derivatives and analyzes the case. The fifth chapter is the risk analysis and prevention of financial derivatives. This paper mainly analyzes the risk characteristics and causes of enterprises in the process of using financial derivatives, and puts forward corresponding strategies. Although derivative financial instruments are complex and risky, the risks can be controlled as long as they can be used reasonably, managed scientifically, and prevented and controlled by systems. In the current global competition, the development and use of derivative financial instruments is an irresistible trend. Enterprises need to be prepared to meet the challenges, and to maximize the scope and extent of the advantages of derivative financial instruments, to serve enterprises, and to enhance the financial efficiency and value of enterprises.


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3 王e,




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