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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-29 22:03
[Abstract]:With the deepening of globalization, the role of transnational corporations in the global economy is increasing, and the role and influence of transnational corporations on China's economy are also increasing day by day. In the important period of China's economic transformation, how to make better use of the positive effects of transnational corporations on economic development, to avoid the negative effects, to promote the local multinational corporations to become bigger and stronger, and to realize the healthy development under the new normal state of economy. Is our country economic development important topic. Analyzing the interests of multinational corporations in China is helpful for mutual development. At the same time, the paths, ways and means of the development of multinational corporations in China are also worthy of reference and learning for local enterprises, especially for the local multinational companies to become bigger and stronger and to go out has important significance. As an important tool of transnational operation, especially technical standard, standards play an increasingly important role in the development of transnational corporations. Competition among multinational corporations has evolved from production and processing, local R & D development to standard competition. Standard competition is becoming more and more important in the international market at present and in the future. The interests of multinational corporations in China can not be obtained without standard competition, and the level of standardization, especially the level of technology standardization, determines the degree of difficulty of the standard competition of multinational corporations in China to a certain extent. In the existing literature, there are few researches on technology standards and multinational corporations' interests in China. This paper analyzes the ways to realize the interests of multinational corporations in China from two aspects: the impact of technology standards on the interests of multinational corporations in China and the impact of technology standards on the distribution of benefits of transnational corporations in China. Among them, the impact of technical standards on MNCs' interests in China is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, it affects the modularized governance of MNCs' global value chain and improves the management level; The second is to influence the technology transfer of multinational companies in China, improve labor productivity. The impact of technical standards on the distribution of benefits of multinational corporations in China is also mainly reflected in two aspects. One is to affect the marketing effect of transnational corporations in China and to increase their market share, and the other is to enhance the right to speak in the distribution of trade interests. Get more profits. Then, the paper makes a descriptive statistical analysis of the status quo of multinational companies' technology standardization in China and the current situation of multinational companies' interests in China. Finally, using the data from 1993 to 2012 in China, using the unit root test, cointegration test, VAR model and other econometric analysis methods, the impact of technology standards on the benefits of multinational companies in China and the distribution of benefits are tested empirically. The empirical results show that both the long-term cointegration relationship and the short-term VEC model show that the technological standards have a significant positive impact on the benefits of MNCs in China, that is, the greater the degree of participation of MNCs in China's standardization. The more interests it creates in China. In terms of benefit distribution, the more multinational companies participate in China's standards, the less tax revenue we get, which means that multinational companies get more benefits in China.


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