
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 營銷論文 >

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-29 12:16
[Abstract]:In the market environment where products are increasingly homogenized and marketing is rampant, consumers are advocating more and more real and free individual consumption patterns. They hope to seek self-authenticity through consuming real brands. However, the existence of some pseudo-authenticity brands leads to a decline in consumer perception of brand authenticity. Such as "I may have drunk fake wine", "I may have seen fake Terracotta Warriors" and other banter elements of the popularity of online words, is a product or brand is questioned the authenticity of the portrayal. Consumers begin to think and attach importance to the brand's "true and false". From the existing literature, most of the brand authenticity research is focused on the concept, measurement and formation mechanism of qualitative research, the empirical study of the outcome variables is less. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize how consumers choose real green brands in the indistinguishable catering market, analyze the consumers' measurement of brand authenticity, the consequences and other external factors that consumers take into account when choosing green brands. Of great significance. At the same time, management practitioners believe that enhancing brand authenticity is a panacea for enterprises with competitive advantages and brand development. Based on previous studies, this paper takes the green brand of domestic catering industry as the research scope, combining the theory of brand authenticity and brand identity theory to build a conceptual model of the interaction of brand authenticity, brand esteem, brand identity and environmental self-responsibility. The empirical results show that: first, brand authenticity (persistence, originality and naturalness) significantly positively affects brand esteem, while reliability has no significant impact on brand esteem. Secondly, brand identity plays an intermediary role in persistence, originality, naturalness and brand esteem. Thirdly, environmental self-responsibility has positive adjustment effect in the relationship between brand authenticity (persistence, naturalness) and brand esteem. These conclusions are helpful to understand the influence mechanism of brand authenticity and extend the theory of brand authenticity to the field of green brand in catering industry. For the enterprises that build the green brand of catering industry, only the continuous pursuit of quality, the importance of original, the establishment of a unique style of self, adhere to natural health green, do not deceive consumers, good faith management, In order to improve consumers' perception of brand authenticity, enhance consumers' recognition of brand, promote consumer's esteem of brand, and establish sustainable competitive advantage of green brand.


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