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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-23 17:06
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, automobile industry, as the pillar industry of modern industry development, has been developing rapidly under the condition of increasing demand for policy support and increasing consumption level. The modern automobile industry has formally entered the mature period, with the emergence of global automobile overcapacity, the market competition is more intense. The development of the automobile industry has also brought many problems, such as the sharp increase in oil energy consumption, the continuous rise in prices, the increasing number of traffic accidents, the increasing pollution of automobile exhaust, and the consumer's performance of the car. Safety and comfort conditions are increasingly demanding. Large automobile companies around the world have tried to improve the safety of cars, improve driving and ride comfort, save energy and reduce pollution, to compete for the world car market, and further improve the competitiveness of enterprises. But the automobile industry develops for a long time, the mechanical system has been more perfect, so the space to improve the automobile performance is limited, so it is difficult to make a major breakthrough. The development and wide application of electronic information technology provide new choices for automobile manufacturers, and also bring new changes to the development of automobile industry. Automotive electronic information technology has significantly improved the safety of automobiles. Comfort and energy-saving environmental protection and other aspects of the performance of the automotive industry into an information age. At the same time, the development of automobile industry also drives the development and change of automobile electronic market, which is made by consumers' individualized demand, and even exceeds the increasing trend of automobile industry. Growing demand also makes competition more intense. Changchun Liming Technology Development Co., Ltd. Is a research and development and sales of automotive electronics as an important core business enterprises. However, since Liming entered the automotive electronics market, it has been confronted with the problems of product, price, channel and so on. In today's automotive electronics market environment, how to get rid of the current predicament, get a sustained and good development, and then occupy a place in the automotive electronics market? The research object of this paper is Changchun Liming Science and Technology. By analyzing the macro environment of the current automobile market and automobile electronics market, the present situation, demand and competition of automobile electronics industry, we can determine the opportunity and advantage of the development of Liming science and technology. Weaknesses and challenges have also been identified. According to the current product and marketing situation of Liming Technology, the marketing strategy is optimized according to its own characteristics by using the marketing theory such as PEST,SWOT,STP,4Ps. In this paper, the marketing strategy of Liming Science and Technology is deeply analyzed, and the improvement measures are put forward, which provide a reference for its future perfection and development of product marketing strategy, which is helpful to the sales and market share promotion of Liming Science and Technology products. It also enhances its brand image and customer brand loyalty, which provides feasible measures for the development of Liming Technology in the automotive electronics market. It also provides valuable reference information for many new marketing strategies of local enterprises.


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