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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-23 12:21
[Abstract]:Thailand is the world's first choice medical tourism destination and medical tourism most developed countries, in the medical tourism industry development process has accumulated rich experience: to strategic orientation, to create a medical tourism service center, policies and regulations as a guarantee, To give full play to the role of the government; to enhance the international competitiveness of the industry based on the quality of medical treatment; to focus on providing matching services with quality services; to actively participate in global competition with low price competition as a sharp weapon; and to be characterized by traditional therapies. Focus on national brand building; to rely on tourism resources, attract overseas medical tourists and so on. Taking Hainan as an example, the development of medical tourism in Hainan has its unique advantages and good opportunities, but at the same time, it also has some disadvantages that can not be ignored and is facing severe challenges. The international competition strategy of Thailand's medical tourism industry has some enlightenments to Hainan, such as clear strategic position, giving play to government function, improving medical technology, improving service level, developing characteristic products, strengthening propaganda and marketing, strengthening legal system construction, etc.
【作者單位】: ?诮(jīng)濟學院;


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