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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-22 18:59
[Abstract]:Xiaomi Technology, founded less than five years, the top Chinese mobile phone market share first. From the "situation endangerment" in the initial public opinion to the current "Internet thinking" model, the social marketing case has been worshipped by the industry, with one-sided misreading and less theoretical thinking. This paper focuses on the "millet phenomenon", synthetically applies the theory models of communication, ecology, economics, management and so on, analyzes the ideas and carries on the cross-research, puts forward the preliminary research hypothesis: in the Internet environment, the product, the product, The connotation, denotation and interrelation of user and marketing communication have undergone essential changes. "Marketing" has broken through the traditional category of marketing promotion and extended to the whole process of product development and user diffusion. Products, users, marketing three seamless links between the construction of a complete ecosystem. In order to verify this hypothesis, this study, after half a year of virtual ethnography, participated in observation, focused on three issues: (1) Open connectivity, decentralized Internet era, products, What changes have taken place in the connotation and the relationship between the user and marketing? (2) what is the mechanism of formation and diffusion of Xiaomi user group? How does user participation drive product and marketing innovation? (3) in the platform of social media, what marketing communication mode does Xiaomi use to connect products and users and create brand cohesion? Based on the core viewpoint and theoretical framework of "ecosystem theory", this study regards Xiaomi as a closely interconnected and cooperative driven by "product ecosystem", "user ecosystem" and "marketing ecosystem". The "ecological circle" built together. By exploring the internal structure, operation mechanism and interrelation of the three core systems, the deep logic of "Xiaomi Mode" subversive innovation is explained.


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