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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-21 10:12
【摘要】:隨著移動互聯(lián)網的快速發(fā)展,以微信為代表的移動即時通訊應用憑借其開拓性的用戶體驗和創(chuàng)新功能,迅速積累了海量用戶并成長為平臺生態(tài)圈,擁有巨大的社會價值和傳播價值,同時也蘊含著極其可觀的商業(yè)價值。目前,微信雖然已經開始步入商業(yè)化進程,但其商業(yè)模式并不明晰,且面臨著商業(yè)模式創(chuàng)新的瓶頸。因此,對于微信平臺商業(yè)模式的研究具有重要的理論意義和實踐意義。 本文首先對微信的發(fā)展狀況和研究現(xiàn)狀進行了概述性分析。接著通過對微信版本迭代和相關功能的分析梳理,得出微信是一個以即時通訊功能為核心,融合包括社交平臺、開放平臺、游戲平臺、公共平臺、電子商務平臺在內多個業(yè)務模塊,同時連接“人與人”和“人與服務”的平臺生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的結論。 本文的主體部分首先對微信的商業(yè)化現(xiàn)狀和所具備的商業(yè)化條件進行分析梳理,得出商業(yè)化是微信實現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的必然趨勢的結論。接著文章將微信現(xiàn)有的商業(yè)模式主體分為五類,包括增值服務、移動游戲、移動營銷、電子商務和移動支付,而這五類商業(yè)模式都是基于微信的平臺商業(yè)模式得以展開。進而結合平臺相關理論,通過對微信的平臺商業(yè)模式的機制與核心價值進行具體分析,得出微信作為包含雙邊用戶市場的平臺生態(tài)系統(tǒng)其內部具有“一方用戶群體發(fā)展壯大會牽引另一方用戶群體的發(fā)展壯大”良性循環(huán)的機制的結論。 微信的商業(yè)模式在未來有著很廣闊的想象空間,但也存在諸如處理商業(yè)化需求與用戶體驗之間矛盾、個性化服務與用戶隱私之間矛盾的問題。需要通過完善運營制度、企業(yè)用戶自律以及網民媒介素養(yǎng)的提升來共同推進其商業(yè)模式健康、良性的發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, the mobile instant messaging application represented by WeChat has rapidly accumulated a large number of users and grown into a platform ecosystem with its pioneering user experience and innovative functions. Has the huge social value and the dissemination value, simultaneously also contains extremely considerable commercial value. At present, WeChat has entered the process of commercialization, but its business model is not clear, and facing the bottleneck of business model innovation. Therefore, the research on the business model of WeChat platform has important theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, the development of WeChat and the status quo of research are analyzed. Then through the analysis of WeChat version iteration and related functions, it is concluded that WeChat is an instant messaging function as the core, including social platform, open platform, game platform, public platform, E-commerce platform, including multiple business modules, linking "people to people" and "people and services" of the platform ecosystem conclusions. The main part of this paper firstly analyzes the current situation and conditions of commercialization of WeChat, and draws the conclusion that commercialization is the inevitable trend for the realization of sustainable development of WeChat. Then the article divides the existing business models of WeChat into five categories, including value-added services, mobile games, mobile marketing, e-commerce and mobile payment, which are all based on WeChat platform business model. Then combined with the platform related theory, through the WeChat platform business model mechanism and the core value carries on the concrete analysis, The conclusion is that WeChat, as a platform ecosystem containing bilateral user market, has the mechanism that "the development of one user group will lead to the development and growth of the other user group". WeChat's business model has a broad imagination in the future, but there are also problems such as dealing with the contradiction between commercial needs and user experience, and between personalized services and user privacy. It is necessary to promote the healthy and healthy development of its business model through improving the operation system, self-discipline of enterprise users and the promotion of Internet users' media literacy.


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1 陳文基;商業(yè)模式研究及其在業(yè)務系統(tǒng)設計中的應用[D];北京郵電大學;2012年





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