
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 營(yíng)銷論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-17 17:53
[Abstract]:It is an important issue related to the sustainable development of media and enterprises and the harmonious development of society to establish a good interactive relationship between media and enterprises. The construction of benign interaction requires the joint efforts of both media and enterprises, and the establishment of interactive relationship emphasizes the interaction between the two. The interaction and cooperation between media and enterprises are different from the general cooperation between enterprises and enterprises. This difference stems from the dual attributes of media. On the one hand, the media has the economic attribute, needs to participate in the fierce market competition, preempts more market share, must carry on the marketing, expands the brand influence, in order to attract more advertisers to put the advertisement. The economic attribute of the media determines that the media must have contact with the market. According to their own mechanism and system, the media can allow the marketable parts of the system, marketing, advertising, Or the production of programs to fully cooperate with enterprises, to build a good relationship between media and enterprises to seek win-win, to achieve better economic benefits, to create value for enterprises, but also for the transformation of traditional media to provide abundant funds. On the other hand, the media has the social attribute, is the social public instrument, cannot carry on the market operation completely, and in the process of interaction and cooperation with the enterprise, must stick to its own journalism professionalism, avoids becoming the victim of the marketization. To ensure that the news reported by the media is objective and impartial, and does not change the direction and content of the report because of the relationship between economic interest groups. To build a good relationship between media and enterprise requires media and enterprises to cooperate vigorously and media to stick to their journalistic professionalism. In order to build a good relationship between media and enterprise, enterprises should give full play to their own advantages of economy and talents, but they also need to respect the demands of journalism professionalism of media. This article takes the media and the enterprise interaction as the research object, separately carries on the analysis from the success case and the failure case, through carries on the positive and the negative contrast to the two typical cases, The experience that can be used for reference is summed up from successful practice cases. At the same time, there are also some problems in the interaction between media and enterprises, such as the problem of paid not hearing is serious. This paper takes the 21st century news extortion case as an example. From the perspective of journalism professionalism, the problems existing in the interaction between media and enterprises are investigated. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the malignant interaction between media and enterprises, and analyzes the reasons behind it, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the construction of a benign relationship between media and enterprises.


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