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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-15 13:10
【摘要】:改革開放以來,中國商品經(jīng)濟(jì)的迅速發(fā)展加速了消費(fèi)社會的進(jìn)程,人們生活水平提高,消費(fèi)能力增強(qiáng),在這種條件下,消費(fèi)者的消費(fèi)行為頻繁起來,并且占據(jù)了日常生活的主要地位。人們的消費(fèi)形式也不再單一枯燥,變得生動起來。在這種環(huán)境下,,消費(fèi)品的類別逐漸細(xì)化,功能逐漸多樣,消費(fèi)者可以根據(jù)自己的喜好進(jìn)行消費(fèi)。企業(yè)也在不停歇的生產(chǎn),以滿足消費(fèi)者的需求。當(dāng)生產(chǎn)的商品已經(jīng)遠(yuǎn)超于消費(fèi)者的需求時,商家則通過廣告來刺激消費(fèi),消費(fèi)者也會受到廣告的影響進(jìn)一步消費(fèi)。本文通過對商品消費(fèi)速度快慢的細(xì)分,對廣告在商品消費(fèi)中的引導(dǎo)與影響進(jìn)行分析。 在改革開放以前,由于物資的極度匱乏,中國處于計劃經(jīng)濟(jì)時代,統(tǒng)籌經(jīng)濟(jì)的環(huán)境下,國民消費(fèi)都是定量購買。全國都處在一個消費(fèi)低迷的時期,人們對消費(fèi)品的分類也不是很明確,更多的是盡量維持溫飽。而改革開放后的經(jīng)濟(jì)狀況轉(zhuǎn)變較快,經(jīng)濟(jì)環(huán)境的突然寬松,讓國民迅速進(jìn)入消費(fèi)社會,消費(fèi)品的分類也開始細(xì)化,快消品與慢消品的概念變得明確清晰。消費(fèi)品的生產(chǎn)速度隨著社會的發(fā)展飛快地增長著,為了促進(jìn)消費(fèi),廣告成為商家的主要營銷方式。針對與快消品和慢消品的不同特色,廣告的媒介選擇側(cè)重也是不同的,快消品更偏重視覺刺激比較顯著的電視媒體,慢消品則更加注重商品長期的品牌建設(shè),故多選擇能更全面準(zhǔn)確表現(xiàn)自身商品性能和企業(yè)的品牌文化的媒介。而從廣告的選擇問題上,消費(fèi)者的消費(fèi)觀也在悄然的發(fā)生變化。 消費(fèi)者的消費(fèi)訴求從理性訴求發(fā)展為感性訴求,更注重購買商品時所帶來的精神享受,這是消費(fèi)社會進(jìn)步的標(biāo)志之一,商品由原來的注重功能宣傳轉(zhuǎn)化成符號宣傳,商品本身就是一種符號,消費(fèi)社會強(qiáng)化了這樣的信息,并且賦予商品更加豐富的意義。符號消費(fèi)使得人們的生活方式進(jìn)入到一個新的階段,從衣食住行等方面都發(fā)生了形式和意義上的變化,新的生活方式漸漸取代了舊的生活方式,人們的消費(fèi)提升到精神領(lǐng)域的消費(fèi),找尋身份與地位上的認(rèn)同感,并且致力于將每一種商品符號化,人們的欲望快速膨脹,商家也利用了消費(fèi)者的這一心理,通過廣告賦予商品符號化的信息。在這個過程中,一種速生速滅的消費(fèi)文化走進(jìn)了大眾的視角,即快消文化。人們不斷的追求新興事物,放棄舊的東西,商品進(jìn)入到一種速生速滅式的更替中,讓人目不暇接。 這樣的消費(fèi)文化必然導(dǎo)致消費(fèi)方式走向不健康的方式,本文最后分析了三種典型的應(yīng)該得到改進(jìn)的消費(fèi)方式,分別為過度消費(fèi)、提前消費(fèi)、愉悅消費(fèi),這三種消費(fèi)都應(yīng)該得到正確的引導(dǎo),這種引導(dǎo)應(yīng)該從影響最大的營銷方式廣告入手,只有廣告商在宣傳商品能夠客觀公正有效的傳達(dá)信息,就會對消費(fèi)者的消費(fèi)觀起到正確積極的影響。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the rapid development of China's commodity economy has accelerated the process of consumer society. People's living standards have improved and their consumption power has increased. Under such conditions, consumer consumption behavior has become frequent. And occupied the main position of daily life. People's consumption form is no longer single boring, become vivid. In this environment, the categories of consumer goods are gradually refined, functions gradually diverse, consumers can according to their preferences. Enterprises are also in the production of non-stop to meet the needs of consumers. When the production of goods has far exceeded consumer demand, merchants use advertising to stimulate consumption, and consumers will be affected by advertising to further consumption. By subdividing the speed of commodity consumption, this paper analyzes the guidance and influence of advertising in commodity consumption. Before the reform and opening up, due to the extreme shortage of materials, China is in the planned economy era, the overall economic environment, the national consumption is a quantitative purchase. The whole country is in a period of low consumption, the classification of consumer goods is not very clear, more is to maintain food and clothing. Since the reform and opening up, the economic situation has changed rapidly, the economic environment has suddenly relaxed, so that the people quickly enter the consumer society, the classification of consumer goods has also begun to refine, and the concepts of fast consumer goods and slow consumer goods become clear. With the development of society, the production rate of consumer goods is increasing rapidly. In order to promote consumption, advertising has become the main marketing mode. In view of the different characteristics of fast and slow consumer products, the media selection of advertising is also different. Fast consumer products focus more on the television media with more significant visual stimulation, and slow consumer goods pay more attention to the long-term brand building of commodities. Therefore, more choices can more comprehensive and accurate expression of their own commodity performance and corporate brand culture media. From the choice of advertising, consumer consumption concept is quietly changing. The consumer's consumption appeal develops from the rational demand to the perceptual demand, and pays more attention to the spiritual enjoyment brought by the purchase of goods. This is one of the signs of the progress of the consumer society, and the goods are transformed from the original emphasis on function propaganda to the symbolic propaganda. Commodity itself is a symbol, consumer society strengthens this kind of information, and gives the commodity richer significance. Symbol consumption makes people's way of life into a new stage, from the aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation have undergone changes in form and meaning, the new way of life gradually replaced the old way of life. People's consumption rises to spiritual consumption, seeks identity and status identity, and is committed to symbolizing every commodity, people's desire expands rapidly, and merchants take advantage of the consumer's psychology. Information that gives a commodity symbolization through advertising. In this process, a fast-growing and fast-dying consumer culture into the public perspective, that is, fast elimination culture. People continue to pursue new things, give up the old things, commodities into a rapid replacement, dizzying. Such consumption culture will inevitably lead to unhealthy consumption patterns. Finally, this paper analyzes three typical consumption patterns that should be improved, namely excessive consumption, early consumption, and pleasant consumption. All three kinds of consumption should be properly guided. This kind of guidance should start with the advertising, which has the greatest influence on marketing methods. Only advertisers are able to communicate information objectively, fairly and effectively. Will have a correct positive impact on consumer consumption.


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